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After the man from the Dragon Team returned, he relayed Xiang Nanchuan's words to Mr. Qiao. The old man stroked his beard and thought for a long time. Then he waved and ordered: "Dunzi, go to my room and get the two bottles of drinks hidden under the closet. come over."

Mr. Qiao bought a total of two bottles of energy drinks in the supermarket. After getting them back, he only took one sip and put them away. It was not because he was stingy and was reluctant to drink them, but because he thought these drinks were weird and one sip would make people feel 100 times more energetic. , even the elixir does not have such a fast effect.

The incident at Edwin's Laboratory is still fresh in my mind. The laboratory gave away free medicine, claiming that it would turn all ordinary people into superpowers. Anyone who took the medicine would become as strong as an ox and could punch with a punch. Smashing the heads of zombies, people in Luoyuan base were enthusiastic about the laboratory during those days. Even Mr. Qiao who was far away in Tianyang base was a little moved after hearing about it, but what was the result?

Soon after, the St. Ann's Church revealed the inside story of the laboratory. It turned out that the medicine they took was made from the flesh and blood of superpowers. Overnight, the laboratory turned into a street rat that screamed and killed.

Those who had taken the medicine but did not continue to take the medicine all bled to death. The laboratory gave away the medicine for free in the hope of controlling the ordinary people at the lower level, thereby achieving the purpose of controlling the entire base.

With this lesson in mind, Mr. Qiao had to be vigilant, so he only took one sip of the two bottles of energy drinks and didn't touch them again.

On the night when zombie rats appeared in the base, Xiang Nanchuan came to help without hesitation, and later saved his son. Mr. Qiao couldn't help but reflect, had he misunderstood him?

Mr. Qiao turned around and went to Qiao Donghua's bedroom. As soon as he entered the door, Qiao Donghua sat up and asked, "What do you say to Mr. Xiang?"

"He promised to be on time for the appointment tomorrow night."

Seeing his old man looking uneasy, Qiao Donghua asked with concern: "Dad, are you okay?"

"That's it..." Mr. Qiao thought for a long time and decided to leave it to his son.

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw Dunzi coming back with two bottles of drinks. Qiao Donghua took the drinks. The bottles were no bigger than a palm, and the drinks inside were clean and clear without any sediment. He raised the bottle and saw the slightly swaying liquid shining through the sunlight. Overflowing with luster, he said in a deep voice: "Dad, my return this time is all thanks to Mr. Youxiang and the others. We are still in a cooperative relationship. He has no reason to harm me. If there is really a problem with the drink, the military will not ignore it. I just got word that he supplied a hundred thousand bottles of this drink to the military."

Mr. Qiao said sarcastically: "Perhaps I really have the heart of a villain to judge the heart of a gentleman, and I wrongly blamed Xiao Xiang."

"It's none of your business. There's nothing wrong with being careful. If it had been before, I would have questioned it." Qiao Donghua unscrewed the lid and took a sip. The liquid flowed down the tip of his tongue and into his throat. His pupils suddenly shrank. Mr. Qiao is an ordinary person. He can only feel refreshed after drinking energy drinks, but Qiao Donghua keenly feels that his powers have changed vaguely, as if he has absorbed crystal nuclei and his powers are full.

Seeing this, Mr. Qiao asked nervously: "Is there something wrong with the drink?"

Qiao Donghua breathed out slowly, his eyes brightened slightly, and his tone was a little excited, "No, it can supplement my powers. I can feel that this drink will help my powers."

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