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"I Open a Supermarket in the End of the World" by: Night is Cool Like Water

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Xiang Nanchuan shook his hand uncomfortably but failed to shake it away.
  He glanced at Hu Man, who was jumping up and down in front of him. Seeing that he didn't look over, he ignored him and let Chi Yan hold his hand.
  It seemed that the curse of the ice superpower hadn't passed yet. In just a short period of time, Xiang Nanchuan fell down three times. Once, he didn't notice a zombie buried under a snowdrift. He accidentally tripped and almost fell on the zombie. , fortunately he reacted quickly and was not scratched by the zombies.
  As a result, Xiang Nanchuan dared not let go of Chi Yan's hand.
  After passing death one after another, Xiang Nanchuan lost all interest in anything. Hu Man was no longer in front of him, "Where did Hu Man go? Forget it, leave him alone, let's go back."
  After walking back for a while, Hu Man Man Man chased after him with a pile of bottles and cans. He pointed at the only church in the town and said furtively: "Captain, there seems to be someone in that church."
  Chi Yan glanced at it from a distance, " Don't worry, we're only here for one day."
  The cans Hu Man brought back contained chili sauce, fermented bean curd, pickled beans, etc. He didn't know where he found them.
  During the meal, Mu and Lian walked out of the room. She was wearing a loose down jacket, covering the claws on her hands. A pair of weird vertical pupils were hidden under her sunglasses. The claws under her feet were too big to fit into her shoes, so she had to use Cloth tangled. Not many people saw her that night, and in order to avoid trouble, she rarely appeared in front of outsiders.
  This time I came out because I had something to say to Xiang Nanchuan.
  Mu Helian said straight to the point: "That Qiao Xuan in your car, I've seen him in the laboratory before." "
  His powers are very special. He is a rare natural entity."
  Xiang Nanchuan was stunned. This sentence seemed familiar. He was alone that day. When I entered the plastic surgery hospital, I heard similar words.
  "What is a natural body?"
  Mu Helian said slowly, "As we all know, every superpower has a superpower core in his body, which stores the superpower's energy. Once the superpower core is destroyed, the superpower will become Return to ordinary people. The energy of the natural body is integrated into the flesh and blood of the body, and only the natural body can transform the body into elements."
  Xiang Nanchuan couldn't help but think of the mist superpower who died in Chi Yan's hands. He could transform part of the body into elements. Atomization.
  "I heard this from the researchers in the laboratory. They did not avoid me when they spoke, but I am not very clear about the details. Qiao Xuan may know more. When he wakes up, you can ask him ."
  After Mu and Lian said this, they returned to the house. Mudong hesitated and said, "Why don't we wake up Qiao Xuan?" Xiang Nanchuan pondered for a long time, "Let's talk about   it when we
  get to Beicheng."
If you guessed it correctly, Chi Yan is also a natural body.
  Let’s not mention this matter for now.
  Even though Xiang Nanchuan was always cautious that day, he still could not avoid various accidents. It is said that when people are unlucky, they will choke when drinking cold water. You can imagine Xiang Nanchuan's mood after a whole day.
  The temperature was low at night, so Qin Han and the others went to another house to remove some wooden doors, split them open, and lit a fire in the house to keep warm.
  Xiang Nanchuan and Chi Yan shared a room, and Chi Yan said, "Why don't you go to sleep in the car?"
  The carriage of the sightseeing bus always maintains a constant temperature, and the chairs are spacious. It is more comfortable than the first class cabin of an airplane. There is really no need to sleep on the floor with everyone else. sleeping bag.
  Xiang Nanchuan discouraged and said, "Forget it, I don't want any accidents to happen while sleeping."
  The sleeping bag could only accommodate one person, so Chi Yan kissed his forehead and said in a rare soft voice, "Sleep peacefully, I'm here."
  Probably because the curse had expired, nothing happened all night, and Xiang Nanchuan slept until dawn.
  After breakfast, everyone packed up and prepared to set off.
  "Someone is coming."
  Unexpectedly, the people who came were a group of old people. They walked up to them hobblingly on crutches. "Can I exchange some supplies with you?"
  Chi Yan said: "What do you exchange for?"
  The old man shivered and took out a handful of colorful crystal nuclei from his pocket. They were all secondary crystal nuclei, and there were about twenty or thirty of them. "Is it okay to use these? I heard that the provincial capital bases use these in exchange for supplies."
  "Okay." Chi Yan said, "What do you want to change?"
  "In exchange for some food, clothes and quilts."
  Xiang Nanchuan accepted the crystal core, automatically converted it into gold coins, and gave them a hundred catties of potatoes and a hundred catties of corn. , plus other vegetables, twenty down jackets, and two quilts.
  Seeing so many things, the old people were at a loss and murmured: "It doesn't take so much, we can't take it back."
  Xiang Nanchuan picked up a bag of potatoes and said, "Where do you live? Let me get it for you."
  "We live in the church. inside."

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