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Situ ReadingDanmei  


"I Open a Supermarket in the End of the World" by: Night is Cool Like Water

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In a drinking place, the people who come here to eat nowadays are not serious people, and some people even engage in such things in public, one-on-one or one-to-many.
  Hu Man felt like he was going blind and felt uncomfortable all over.
  Several people walked through the "busy" lobby and entered the inner compartment. As soon as the door was closed, the obscene words and obscenities outside were shut out.
  Kuang Hefeng briefly introduced the woman to Hu Man, "This is the owner of the izakaya, you can just call her Sister Mei." Then he pointed at Hu Man, "I'm from Xizhou, please take care of Sister Mei." "
  You are really good at it . Get me into trouble." Sister Mei frowned. She took out a cigarette from the cigarette case, put it to her lips and lit it. She took a breath and slowly blew out a smoke ring. Her eyes gradually blurred and her face turned red. "I I heard that Chen Cen and the others went to the northwest base to defect to you. What do you want to do when you return to God's Domain this time?"
  Hu Man sniffed and stared at the cigarette held between Sister Mei's fingers. His heart skipped a beat. This cigarette...
  Kuang He Feng didn't seem to notice, and the conversation between the two continued.
  "It's hard to explain in one sentence." Kuang Hefeng smiled bitterly and nuzzled at Hu Manunu, "Well, they are the ones implicated." He agreed that he would only lead the way, but he didn't expect that he would be involved.
  Sister Mei took a few puffs of the cigarette rather stingily, and then put out the cigarette with her fingernails painted with bright red nail polish. "When are you leaving?"
  Kuang Hefeng smiled bitterly, "Don't worry, I won't hurt you. I'll do it in two days." Let's go."
  "Aren't you going to see Sister Liu?"
  Kuang Hefeng hesitated, "Forget it, let's not get involved with her."
  Sister Mei didn't say anything more, arranged for him to stay in an izakaya, and then went Greet guests from the front.
  After Sister Mei left, Hu Man had a face full of gossip, "Who is Sister Liu? How is your old husband?"
  Kuang Hefeng glared, "What nonsense are you talking about? That's my savior!"
  Hu Man asked: "Then why didn't you come back and take a look? Her?"
  Kuang Hefeng held a cigarette in his mouth without lighting it. He looked across the window sill into the distance and said quietly: "It's inconvenient, her man is the holy envoy of St. Ann's Church."
  Kuang Hefeng gradually fell into memories of that time. He was still an ordinary person and had no ability to kill zombies. Before he starved to death, he mustered up the courage and secretly followed the team out of the base to search for supplies. He wanted to try his luck and pick up some supplies, but he was discovered by the team members and beaten half to death.
  It was Sister Liu who picked him up and saved his life.
  Later, in order to survive, Sister Liu became a mistress for others, and he was captured and taken to a research institute, where he was fused with rabbit genes and became inhuman and inhuman.
  After escaping from the research institute, Kuang Hefeng hid in Sister Mei's izakaya and lived there for a while. As for Sister Mei, she and Sister Liu are good sisters who have known each other through thick and thin.
  Later, the Saint'an Church wanted Kuang Hefeng everywhere. In order not to implicate the two of them, Kuang Hefeng had no choice but to escape from the God's Domain and go to the northwest base. The gangster friends who took refuge with him were all met in the research institute and later escaped together. Like him, they disobeyed the arrangements of the Saint Ann Cult and were regarded as heretics by the Saint Ann Cult. Otherwise, Kuang Hefeng would not be able to accept them with confidence.
  After a while, Sister Mei came in with some food. She had a WeChat message on her face before, but when she came back, her face turned into a sad one. She hesitated and said, "I just heard that Sister Liu has been ill recently. I'm not feeling well." If you can, I hope you will visit her and see if she needs help."
  "Sister Liu is sick?" Kuang Hefeng frowned, "Is someone bullying her?" "
  I heard that her son Zhong Yao is missing. Sister Liu fainted immediately after receiving the news. I just heard from the guests that Sister Liu's condition may not be very good..." "
  Bangdang——" Upon hearing this, Hu Man slipped his hands and removed the bowl and chopsticks. Fell to the ground.
  Hu Man's face was full of shock. Did he hear it correctly? Sister Liu's son is... Zhong Yao?
  Could it be the Zhong Yao he knew? !

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