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Chapter 61
  Xiang Nanchuan and Chi Yan exchanged glances, and then went up to them with a smile. , "Uncle Wu, you know I don't like to join in the fun, so it's better to stay in the corner and be quiet."
  Xiang Nanchuan was not lying. After Suman left, many guests came to talk to them, mainly Xiang Nanchuan, While these people want to make friends with Xiang Nanchuan, they are also afraid of Xiang Nanchuan.

Situ ReadingDanmei  


"I Open a Supermarket in the End of the World" by: Night is Cool Like Water

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How could Xiang Nanchuan not see the non-existent force behind that smile and the hypocrisy hidden behind it.
  Xiang Nanchuan was impatient to deal with them, so he excused himself that he felt uncomfortable and left directly, not caring about the ugly faces of the guests who had been humiliated.
  "You!" Adjutant Wu smiled helplessly, "It's easy to offend people by doing this."
  Xiang Nanchuan spread his hands and said, "Whatever they want, we are leaving the base this month anyway."
  Adjutant Wu's eyes flashed slightly, "What? Time to leave?"
  "At the end of this month." Chi Yan looked at Adjutant Wu, "I wonder if I can meet with Commander He before I leave to discuss the matter of the 100,000 bottles of energy drinks."
  Adjutant Wu looked as usual, "Commander recently. The clerk is too busy, I'm afraid I don't have time to see you. If it's about energy drinks, just talk to me."
  Adjutant Wu finished speaking. Neither Chi Yan nor Xiang Nanchuan answered. The surroundings were so quiet that only Mayor Chen could be heard on the stage. The first part of his speech was about the alliance of superpowers, and then he changed the subject, "After the alliance is established, it will cooperate with the military to jointly manage the base."
  After hearing this, Xiang Nanchuan raised his head in surprise, "Wu Adjutant?!"
  Adjutant Wu's face was as dark as water.
  really! Xiang Nanchuan thought to himself that something must have happened to Commander He, otherwise he would not agree to jointly manage the base with Mayor Chen and the others. I'm afraid this is just the first step.
  After Mayor Chen finished speaking, there was a burst of warm applause from the audience.
  The floral fragrance of the mutated mandala spread silently and filled the entire venue. The guests suddenly felt dizzy. Even the dullest people noticed something was wrong. The first thing they suspected was that there was something wrong with the wine!
  However, when they saw Mayor Chen swaying as he was about to walk down the steps, they immediately denied their suspicions and everyone looked around cautiously. Although weapons were not allowed into the venue, 90% of the guests present were people with supernatural powers, and there was no worry on anyone's face.
  The superpower waved his hand towards the vase on the shelf. The vase shattered with a bang, and an inconspicuous white flower appeared in front of him. The superpower backed away in horror, "It's a mutated mandala!"
  As the man said After the words fell, there was an uproar among the guests!
  Why is there a mutated mandala in the venue! Could it be that Mayor Chen invited them to the dinner to catch them all?
  The guests turned to stare at Mayor Chen, questioning each other aggressively.
  In an instant, the venue was in chaos.
  "Everyone, please calm down and listen to my explanation..." Mayor Chen quickly calmed the guests' excitement.
  Xiang Nanchuan asked Chi Yan silently with his eyes.
  Chi Yan nodded invisibly.
  Xiang Nanchuan took out a crystal core gun from the warehouse. With Chi Yan as cover, he aimed at the chandelier on the ceiling and pulled the trigger with his finger. "Puff puff"
  the lights in the venue broke one after another, plunging the venue into darkness.
  In the darkness, Chi Yan's cold voice sounded, "Action!"
  Hu Man held the third-level crystal core to activate the superpower. The branches of the mutant mandala stretched rapidly, and the mutant orchid exuded a faint fragrance.
  The moment the venue darkened, Qianling's figure flashed and disappeared from the venue.
  The next second, the fire superpower hurriedly lit up the fireball. In the panic, no one noticed the scene where Qianling disappeared.
  The branches of the mutant mandala opened their fangs and claws, and were swiped at the guests. It was probably because the mutant mandala was too impressive that time, so the guests couldn't help but feel timid when they saw the waving branches. Of course, there were also people with supernatural powers who didn't know why. He shouted loudly: "Why are you just standing there! Let's set it on fire soon."
  The superpower next to him cursed angrily, "Burn your mother!" While speaking, he inadvertently took a breath of the fragrance of flowers, and the man's head was confused. Confused, he bit the tip of his tongue, picked up the chair and slammed it against the glass window. The glass shattered to the ground, and the outside air flowed in. The brain of the superhuman standing by the window suddenly woke up.
  But then, the branches of the mutant mandala climbed up the window, covering the window tightly. The guests rushed towards the door in fear, only to see that the door was also covered by the branches of the mutant mandala.

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