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The rain continued until ten o'clock in the evening. Xiang Nanchuan and Chi Yan sat side by side on the ground. He leaned against the wall, folded his hands behind his head, bent his left leg slightly, and kept looking at the situation outside.

As time passed, Xiang Nanchuan became more and more uneasy. He said in his heart: "I have a bad feeling." It should be said that this sense of crisis started in the evening. He always felt that if he didn't do something, something would happen next. Bad things.

After a few seconds, the system finally spoke, "These zombies are evolving!"

Hearing this, Xiang Nanchuan frowned. This was really bad news. Although he is not from this world, since he is here, he still has to complete the tasks issued by the system. Everything in this world is closely related to him. Once the zombies evolve, there will be fewer survivors.

Noticing the subtle expression changes on the young man's face, Chi Yan said calmly: "What did you find?"

Xiang Nanchuan heard that his tone was affirmative, and he could be regarded as a temporary teammate. Xiang Nanchuan did not hide the evolution of zombies. He said seriously: "The rain may contain things that are beneficial to zombies. I'm afraid of this." Rain will make them evolve." Zombies have no intelligence. They instinctively pursue energy, such as the flesh and blood of living people. With so many zombies running out to get wet in the rain, the rain must contain huge energy, which will cause them to evolve.

Chi Yan looked solemn, "I also guessed that." He said slowly, "In the jewelry store this afternoon, I found a zombie that spits wind blades."

Even zombies have superpowers? Xiang Nanchuan could imagine that once the zombies evolved successfully, there would really be no living people in this commercial street. He thought to himself: They cannot be allowed to evolve successfully!

But there are hundreds of zombies outside, and there are only two of them, how can they stop the zombies from evolving? Xiang Nanchuan fell deeply into worry.

Due to the exhaustion of his superpowers and the fact that he was hit by the zombie's wind blade and bled a lot, Chi Yan's pale face never recovered. When he stuffed the last orange that he was reluctant to finish into his pocket, But he came across a small stone. He took it out and saw that it was something found in the zombie's head.

Chi Yan was originally disgusted with what was in the zombie's head, but for some reason, he subconsciously felt that there was energy in this small stone that attracted him.

"Crystal core?!" Xiang Nanchuan said suddenly when he saw the thing in his hand.

Chi Yan looked at him sideways, "Do you know this person?"

The data sent to the Nanchuan receiving system contains information about the crystal core. The crystal core can not only restore the superpower's abilities, but can also be exchanged for gold coins in the supermarket. The first-level crystal core can be exchanged for one hundred gold coins, and the second-level crystal core can be exchanged for one hundred gold coins. A crystal core can be exchanged for one thousand gold coins, and by analogy, each higher-level crystal core can be exchanged for ten times as many gold coins.

Xiang Nanchuan said: "I also heard from others that this kind of thing is called a 'crystal core', which can allow a person with superpowers to restore their superpowers. After absorbing enough crystal cores, the superpowers can be advanced." Then Xiang Nanchuan added Tell him the method of absorbing crystal nuclei.

Chi Yan took a deep look at Xiang Nanchuan and said, "Thank you for letting me know."

Xiang Nanchuan curled up his lips and said, "You're welcome. I have to ask you to take me to find something to eat tomorrow." Xiang Nanchuan is not a kind person who is willing to help others. If Chi Yan breaks his mind as soon as he comes in, he will only After completing the transaction, let the ninja tallyman throw him out whether he died or not.

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