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This night was destined to be an uneventful night. All the well-known teams in the base heard about a newly opened supermarket in the commercial street of Area C. When the top superpower team in the base heard about this, they had to be stunned by the generosity of this store.

Even the management of their team usually only gets a small handful of vegetables. If they want to eat fruit, they can only drink a fruity drink to satisfy their craving, let alone fresh fruit.

A dark-skinned man with thick eyebrows and big eyes asked slowly, "Have you ever found out who is behind this supermarket?"

"I heard he came from Xizhou."

"Xizhou? Isn't that a small city?" Due to its remote location, Xizhou has always had little status in Province G. Many people don't even know where Xizhou is.

"I just came to the base a few days ago and bought Xu Bo's store with 500 kilograms of potatoes and corn in exchange for 10,000 credits."

Xu Bo was the name of the former boss, but the man with thick eyebrows and big eyes smiled, "Didn't that shop be reserved by the Shan Hai Team? They are quite bold."

"Captain, you don't know something. Fu Tao bullied the orphans and widowers of the Xu family and wanted to lower the price of the store to 1,000 credit points. The Xu family refused to sell it. This resulted in the store never being sold and no one dared to buy it. , but let this outsider take advantage."

The captain shook his head and said with a smile: "It's not easy to get a bargain. Fu Tao is not someone who gives up so easily."

The man echoed: "That's right. If you offend Fu Tao's little belly, the store will be in trouble in the future." The man paused and asked, "Captain, should we take advantage of this opportunity..."

The captain waved his hand, "No, just wait and see what happens. Since the owner of this store dares to open a store in a big way and brings out supplies that we don't have, it will definitely not be as simple as imagined. It's better to let other teams explore their strength first." "


The same conversation was also going on in other teams. Some people chose to wait and see what happens, while a few teams had the idea of ​​​​supermarkets. It would be great if they could contact the suppliers behind the supermarkets.

When Fu Tao, the captain of the Shanhai Team, heard about this, he immediately threw the cup in his hand angrily, "What do you people do for food?! You don't even know what people are buying from the store. You won't tell me until they open the store! Other teams Just celebrate the New Year with this joke!

There are seven or eight shops under the name of their Shanhai team. Although there is no shortage of small shops like this, Fu Tao cannot lose his face after being slapped in the face like this.

The reason why the major teams in Tianyang base exclude the Shanhai team is because the Shanhai team does not rely on strength to rank among the top ten teams. At the base, no one knows that Fu Tao, the captain of the Shanhai Team, is the mayor's brother-in-law. Nowadays, the government departments have no real power in the base. They have no say in the decision-making of the base. They can only rely on the secretly supported superpower team to fight for the right to speak in the base. The Shanhai Team is just one of them.

Although the captain of the Shanhai Team, Fu Tao, is a first-level fire-type superpower, he has no ambitions and is domineering. He does random things all day long and makes enemies everywhere. If the deputy captain hadn't been a bit capable, the Shanhai Team would have been plotted by other teams long ago. .

This deputy captain is not simple either. Before the apocalypse, he was the mayors secretary-general, so he only listened to the mayors orders. Even if it made Fu Tao jump in anger and yelled that he wanted to give the people who robbed his store a good look, the secretary-general still Drinking his tea calmly.

  ✓ I Open a supermarket in the apocalypseWhere stories live. Discover now