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It was snowing in Xizhou in the dream, and the snowflakes were flying in droves, dyeing the whole Xizhou into a vast expanse of white. At this time, a group of children ran out cheering, leaving a string of small footprints on the snow. After a while, Hu Man He was chased out of the house. He was wearing a scarf around his neck and a thick down jacket. He was as bloated as a fat penguin. He was roaring and carrying the children back into the house.

Seeing this scene, Xiang Nanchuan couldn't help laughing.

On Xuanhe Avenue, Zhong Hesheng led a patrol team to shovel snow on the street.

Xiang Nanchuan also saw Qin Han and others, each of them holding a chicken in their hands, beaming with joy. Passing by the place where Zhong Hesheng and the others were shoveling snow, he greeted, "Captain Zhong, we are cooking hot pot tonight, you can come with us." Bar!"

Zhong Hesheng waved his hands at them from a distance.

The name of the canteen on Qingping Road has been changed to Canteen No. 1, because now there are Canteen No. 2 and Canteen No. 3 in the base... and Canteen No. 1 is only used by some of the base's senior executives. In the back kitchen of the cafeteria, the fat man was holding a spatula and stir-frying a large pot of vegetables. On another stove, a fragrant and delicious chicken soup was simmering.

Xiang Nanchuan stared at the pot of chicken soup for a long time. He could see it but couldn't eat it. In the end, he could only leave in frustration.

Xiang Nanchuan was floating on Qingping Road and came to Jinghua Community. It must have been because of heavy snow. Today, all the workers had a day off. Everyone came out to clear the snow, and the children took the opportunity to cause trouble and have a snowball fight in the snow. , building snowmen, running around with smiles amidst the roars of the adults, the atmosphere looked even more lively than the Chinese New Year.

Xiang Nanchuan looked at a few people inside who looked particularly familiar. He took a closer look and saw that it was Meng Long and the others. They were holding brooms to help clean up the snow in the community.

After coming out of Jinghua Community, Xiang Nanchuan always felt that something was missing. By the way, where did Chi Yan go?

Suddenly Xiang Nanchuan saw a familiar white figure at the door of the supermarket, and Xiang Nanchuan's head began to hurt again. As expected, the survivors who wanted to come to the supermarket to buy things saw it and fled in terror, while the survivors who entered the supermarket They hid inside and dared not come out.

Zhong Hesheng and the others who were shoveling snow received the news and quickly rushed to Qingping Road.

Hu Man drove back the children who came out to watch the fun. What did he say to Zhong Hesheng? After a heated discussion, everyone finally got out of the way and let him pass.

Hu Man took out the crystal core. He walked cautiously to the mental zombie, and with trembling hands, he sent the crystal core to the zombie.

It looked at the crystal core in Hu Man's hand, bared its teeth, swatted it away with a wave of its hand, raised its eyebrows, and was quite dissatisfied. It made a gurgling sound in its throat.

Hu Man was so frightened that his feet went weak and he almost knelt down in front of it.

Zhong Hesheng and the others looked solemn and made an attack gesture.

Hu Man suddenly had an idea. He took out all the crystal cores in his pocket, held the crystal cores in both hands and sent them to it, "Boss, please accept it!"

The mental zombie gave Hu Man a look that said, "You are very knowledgeable." It took the crystal core, threw a crystal core into its mouth, and chewed the crystal core with an expressionless expression. Finally, it waved Sleeves, only taking away a handful of crystal cores.

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