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"I Open a Supermarket in the End of the World" by: Night is Cool Like Water

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The Soaring Dragon Team that came from the ground? Is their captain Qiao Donghua?
  Zhong Hesheng nodded, "Do you know each other? " "
  Chi Yan nodded slightly and said, "We had contact at Tianyang Base. "
  Zhong Hesheng was thoughtful. He opened the notebook he carried with him and scrawled something on the paper with a brush. "He didn't say, but this Dragon Team is very powerful. They came here at the beginning of the year and quickly integrated into it. base. "As he spoke, Zhong Hesheng looked at Shen Chao'an.
  Shen Chao'an said solemnly: "I have observed them for a period of time and determined that they have no problems. "
  They have conducted secret inspections on all the teams that have come from outside. It can be said that among these A-level teams, all are a little bit ready to make moves. Only Team Longteng is very aloof and disdains to join forces with other teams.
  Thinking of it . At this point, Zhong Hesheng couldn't help but feel helpless. It was precisely because of the long-term absence of their base leader that some of the following teams had inappropriate thoughts. Although civil strife did break out in the base, Zhong Hesheng was sure to suppress it, but suppressing it with force was not a long-term solution.
  Fortunately, the captain and the others finally came back at this time.
  Xiang Nanchuan said: "Make an appointment with Qiao Donghua for me tomorrow.
  Shen Chaoan said cautiously: "Can I go to the council hall at ten o'clock in the morning? " "
  "Can. "
  Seeing Xiang Nanchuan nodding, Shen Chaoan took out the same notebook as Zhong Hesheng and wrote down the time and place on it. Xiang Nanchuan
  looked at the two people with similar movements, and his lips twitched slightly. These two people are really... amazingly similar. No wonder Zhong Hesheng Shen Chaoan will be promoted to the position of secretary.
  Shen Chaoan is a native of Xizhou and one of the survivors who was rescued. He previously worked in the government department. His wife is a high school teacher and now serves as a minister in the industrial park.
  The only regret is that, Their sons were studying in college in other places and lost contact after the end of the world.
  Xiang Nanchuan still remembered that Zhong Hesheng’s wife and children were in his hometown. He came to Xizhou on a business trip at the time, but he couldn’t come back.
  Xiang Nanchuan raised his fingers and tapped On the desktop, they have been looking for Zhong Hesheng's wife and children, but unfortunately, they have been to many bases to issue missing persons notices. To this day, there is still no news about Zhong Hesheng's wife and children.
  Zhong Hesheng is willing to vigorously promote Shen Chao'an, probably out of sympathy for the same illness. Because of this.
  That night, I picked a handful of lettuce from the vegetable garden at my door and fried some green vegetables. However, the simple stir-frying was well received by everyone. The green vegetables grown from the ground are crisp and tender, with a crisp texture, and you can bite into it. , the juice in the stems and leaves has the unique crispness of green vegetables. However, the green vegetables in the supermarket have a bland taste. Xiang Nanchuan once asked the system in a roundabout way how the green vegetables in the supermarket were grown. The
  system told him straightforwardly that the green vegetables in the supermarket were grown. Vegetables and fruits are cultivated using nutrient solution without soil. The land resources there are too precious and few people use large tracts of land for cultivation. Therefore, all fruits and vegetables are cultivated directly using nutrient solution. Back to the topic. Qiao Donghua received
  notice from Shen Chaoan , said to Qin Qianqian: "Tomorrow's task is cancelled, you go to the council hall with me. Qin
  Qianqian thought for a while and said with a smile: "How about bringing sisters Nini and Niuniu so that Captain Chi and the others can meet them? These two girls are thinking about them." "
  Qiao Donghua frowned, "We have important things to talk about, and it's not a tea party. They just came back. They will probably be busy these days. It will take a few days. "
  Qin Qianqian is indeed Qiao Donghua's confidant and lover. In just a few words, she was keenly aware that the man seemed to have something on his mind. She frowned slightly and said nothing.
  The next morning, Qiao Donghua took Qin Qianqian to the appointment on time. Qiao Donghua
  had just walked in, With a bit of a smile, Xiang Nanchuan said in a loud voice: "Captain Qiao, long time no see. If you come to Xizhou, if you tell me in advance, I can sweep the couch to welcome you. If Captain Zhong hadn't mentioned you Team Dragon, I wouldn't have known you were here. Qin
  Qianqian smiled brightly and said: "Mr. Xiang can say good things. You were still in Beicheng when we arrived, and we didn't dare to ask you to come all the way back."
  Chi Yan and Qiao Donghua looked at each other and said, "Captain Qiao, please sit down! " "
  Qiao Donghua was not polite and sat down.
  A few people were polite.
  In the past few months, Chi Yan had received news from Tianyang base intermittently.
  Most of them were insignificant things, but in recent days, Tianyang Several more weird things happened at Yang base.
  When Chi Yan mentioned these strange things, Qiao Donghua's face darkened, but he returned to normal in an instant. He subconsciously picked up the cup and took a sip of tea, as if to hide something. "It's been almost half a year since I left Tianyang Base. I didn't know that so many things had happened recently. The cases of missing persons with powers you mentioned are indeed a bit strange. Noticing
  the subtle changes in Qiao Donghua's expression, he lowered his eyes to Nanchuan and rubbed his fingers on the armrest, "By the way, why did you come to Xizhou? Xizhou is not your best choice, right?" "

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