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"I Open a Supermarket in the End of the World" by: Night is Cool Like Water

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He coughed twice and took in a breath of mutated mandala flower fragrance unexpectedly. He smiled bitterly. This was really killing the enemy by a thousand and injuring himself by eight hundred.
  At this time, an accident also happened at the plastic surgery hospital.

Chapter 62
  The hotel where the banquet was held was also in Area B, not far from the plastic surgery hospital on Shenghui Road. At the moment Xiang Nanchuan and the others took action, Qianling used teleportation and arrived near the plastic surgery hospital in the blink of an eye, and was with Qin Han and the others. meet.
  Seeing Qian Ling coming, Qin Han knew that the banquet party had taken action. There was not much time left for them. They had to race against time to rescue Mu and Lian.
  According to the original plan, some superpowers used fire to break in from the gate on the first floor. Qin Han and other wind superpowers attacked the window on the sixth floor. The two teams separately lured the people inside. As for Qianling, they led people to use the instantaneous attack method to enter. operating room.
  Qianling's current power is level two, and he can barely teleport two people with him. However, if he takes someone with him, the teleportation distance is slightly shorter, but it is still enough to take Mu and Lian out of the operating room and out of the hospital.
  The first half of the plan went smoothly, but something went wrong after Qianling took Xu Yuan into the operating room.
  No one thought that there was a level three superpower inside!
  The other party was hidden in the darkness. Neither Qianling nor Qianling could notice it. As soon as they teleported into the operating room, Xu Yuan hurried to the fish tank. When they first saw the animal claws growing out of Mu and Lian's hands and feet, they were shocked for a moment. There was no time for them to think too much, so Xu Yuan climbed into the fish tank, regardless of offending, and worked with Qian Ling to fish out Mu and Lian.
  Mu and Lian were still unconscious. Xu Yuan took off his coat and put it on Mu and Lian. Just when they were about to teleport out, a black shadow suddenly appeared under their feet, restraining their feet. The strength of the black shadow It's so huge, no matter how far it is, I can't break free for a while.
  Then the shadow turned into a person. The other person's face was extremely pale, like an unhealthy white after not seeing the sun for a long time. His voice was hoarse, "Where did this little thief come from!" Xu Yuan
  attached metal to his palm and turned it into a sharp blade. Falling down, the shadow that bound Qianling's feet was disconnected. Xu Yuan pushed him away and shouted: "You guys leave quickly!"
  The shadow man sneered, "None of you can leave here tonight!"
  The black silk thread entangled him. After killing their hands and feet, the black shadows under the shadow man's feet turned into several human shapes, surrounded several people, and attacked ferociously.
  At this time, Mu Helian, who was being held in Qianling's arms, opened her eyes. A pair of vertical pupils were as cold as snakes and scorpions. She jumped out of Qianling's arms and scratched them fiercely with her claws. The silk threads wrapped around their hands were all All disconnected.
  Xu Yuan was shocked, "Auntie?"
  A faint smile appeared on the corner of Mu Helian's mouth, and his tone was slightly weird, "Xiao Yuan, you are here!"
  Is this a time to reminisce about the past? After saying this, Mu Helian looked like They rushed towards the shadow man like a beast, followed closely by Xu Yuan, who was responsible for cutting off the threads that were entangled from all directions. They knew that if they did not deal with this man, they would not be able to leave here safely.
  Mu Helian's claws were extremely sharp. When his claws came down, the shadow man couldn't dodge, and a piece of flesh was ripped off his arm.
  At this time, Qin Han, who had broken through the window, was dealing with several superpowers and counting the time in his mind. He couldn't help but be anxious. Three minutes had passed. Why haven't the Qianlings come out yet?
  At this moment, Qin Han also guessed that Qianling and the others might have had an accident. Fortunately, most of the superpowers inside were those with sensory superpowers, and their attacks were not strong. In addition, the opponent was obviously impatient because they could not wait for support. , Qin Han and the others quickly dealt with these people, then turned and rushed to the operating room.
  The banquet side can't last long, they have to make a quick decision.
  Qin Han and others joined the battle. They were outnumbered, but the shadow man was defeated and escaped with injuries. Seeing the shadow man escaping so fast, Qianling always felt that something was wrong, but he did not think about it deeply. He took Xu Yuan and Mu He with him Lian teleported out, and the wind superpowers were wrapped in wind and floated down from the sixth floor.
  After coming out of the hospital, Qin Han shot several times in the sky. The superpowers who invaded from the first floor had already rushed to the third floor. They heard the gunshots and quickly evacuated without fighting.
  Mudong came out of the plastic surgery hospital with more than a dozen people. He saw his mother at a glance, who was protected by Xu Yuan behind her and wearing only a coat. His expression suddenly changed. He quickly took off his down jacket and gathered around On her waist, after doing this, he raised his head and looked at Mu and Lian, "Mom..."
  After he finished speaking, he found that his voice was hoarse.
  Mu Helian raised her hand to touch Mu Dong's head. Even after so much, her smile was still as gentle as ever, "You are such an adult, and you still cry."
  Mu Dong felt that his eyes were blurry, and he raised his hand to touch it. Her cheeks were wet with tears, and she suddenly realized that she had cried unknowingly.

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