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"I Open a Supermarket in the End of the World" by: Night is Cool Like Water

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The next time the golden cicada escaped from its shell, he didn't believe that Cheng Gui could still escape today.
  Cheng Gui pulled out a silver thread from his wrist. The thread was very tough. Xiang Nanchuan held the dagger and slashed it hard, without any damage to the silver thread.
  Xiang Nanchuan's figure swayed, as fast as the wind and lightning, and only the afterimage passed by. Chenggui subconsciously threw out the silver thread and blocked it to the right. A wound was cut on his left arm, then on his back, shoulder, no matter how Chenggui predicted Xiang Nanchuan's next move can always change his plan in an instant.
  After a while, Cheng Gui looked a little embarrassed. He was panting and unwilling, but he had to admit that he lost to Xiang Nanchuan.
  Cheng Gui put his finger to his lips and whistled for a long time, "Huhu——"
  "Jie Jie——" The falcon screamed, and the giant eagle flying in the sky flapped its wings, setting off a gust of wind.
  Xiang Nanchuan was caught off guard and was blinded by the wind and sand. He stabbed forward with the tip of the knife and it fell into the air. When he looked up, he saw that the giant eagle's sharp beak caught Cheng Gui's clothes and took him up to fly.
  Xiang Nanchuan bent down to pick up the saber, and with force on his wrist, the saber was thrown out of his hand, with a fierce momentum, and it penetrated deeply into the wings of the giant eagle.
  The giant eagle was in pain and its body was shaking. It flew up again and flew away unsteadily.
  Xiang Nanchuan exhaled, a little discouraged, and let the tiger go back to the mountain.
  That's all, let's find Chi Yan and the others first.
  Xiang Nanchuan suddenly thought of something. He touched the scratch on his cheek and hissed in pain. It seemed that the wound was deep enough to the bone. He took out the potion and drank it. Such a handsome face could not be disfigured.
  The giant eagle flew over the no-man's land and stopped in a dense forest at the junction of the Divine Realm and Shan Fei. The giant eagle transformed into a man and fell from the mid-air with Cheng Gui.
  The two of them stood still, Cheng Gui covered the wound on his shoulder and looked at the man under Yinsheng's penis.
  Cheng Gui's expression softened, he walked over and said familiarly, "So it's you, Anzhe, when did you come back?" "You just came back," Su Anzhe turned his head and looked Cheng Gui up and down, "   How
  did you get injured?"
Gui's expression was not very good, and he squeezed out a few words through his teeth, "Xiang Nanchuan."
  "Really?" Su Anzhe smiled ambiguously, "Cheng Gui, are you sure your prediction will not be wrong?"
  As if he was offended. Cheng Gui looked unhappy, "Su Anzhe, what do you mean?!"
  Su Anzhe shook his head and smiled, "I was just asking casually." The Su
  Anzhe in front of him made Cheng Gui feel dangerous. Cheng Gui believed in his intuition. He had to Get out of here now.
  A trace of fear flashed across Cheng Gui's face. He took a few steps back, turned around and wanted to leave, "If you have any questions, please come to me. I'll go back first." "
  It's too late." Su Anzhe sighed softly behind him, "Cheng Gui, Cheng Gui , you are just a little bit worse."
  Danger! Cheng Gui jumped up quickly and pounced, but... it was too late. A black light shot from behind, instantly piercing Cheng Gui's heart. The black light had a corrosive effect, and the wound on Cheng Gui's chest was seen quickly. Rot quickly devoured one-third of the chest area.
  Cheng Gui turned his head in disbelief. He opened his mouth and said intermittently, "You... you are not... a healer or a superpower?"
  Su Anzhe smiled and said nothing until Cheng Gui slowly fell down.
  Su Anzhe held his chin, "I am, but I am also a dark power user."
  At this time, a figure came out from behind the Yin Sheng Jiaelao, "You called me here to watch you kill each other?"
  Su Anzhe's expression After calming down and feeling a little boring, he turned around and left, "The surprise I promised you is the prophecy power. I think you need it very much now."

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