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"I Open a Supermarket in the End of the World" by: Night is Cool Like Water

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The boulder man fell down suddenly, and a petite figure fell out. Hatred surged in Gao Sen's heart, and he wanted to tear this man into pieces.
  Gao Sen came forward with flying claws in hand. Ariel became impatient and waved him away. She caught a glimpse of the motionless body on the ground from the corner of her eye, rushed into the siege, and grabbed Xiang Nanchuan's body.
  Qiao Xuan's breath froze, and he saw a huge whirlpool appearing in the gap. Ariel jumped into the whirlpool with Xiang Nanchuan's body and disappeared in an instant.
  Without thinking, Qiao Xuan was about to jump down. Chi Yan quickly grabbed Qiao Xuan with his quick eyes. Qiao Xuan watched the vortex shrink and finally disappear. He turned his head and glared at Chi Yan bitterly, "Why? Why did you let her go? Why didn't you let me follow?!"
  Chi Yan let him go, "Calm down."
  "How do you tell me to calm down!" Qiao Xuan Roared.
  "That's not Xiang Nanchuan."
  Qiao Xuan was stunned for a moment, "What do you mean by that?"
  Chi Yan didn't want to pay attention to him at first, but then he changed his mind and said, "Xiang Nanchuan is still alive, that's not him."
  "How do you know?"
  Chi Yan Chi Yan Ding Ding looked at Qiao Xuan with sharp eyes, as if he had seen through his inner thoughts. He said word by word: "He is my lover, and I know him better than anyone else in this world."
  Qiao Xuan A little embarrassed, he felt that the secret in his heart was exposed in front of the other party, and he was like a clown at this time.
  Chi Yan stopped looking at him, and Gao Sen Gao Hu hurriedly asked: "Captain, captain, do you know where the store manager is now?" The
  two brothers Gao Sen and Gao Hu trusted Chi Yan's conditions. As long as the captain said the store manager was still alive, the store manager would Must still be alive.
  "Tell me what happened in the past few days?"
  Gao Sen was more attentive. He also remembered everything that happened in the past few days, including some small details that many people didn't notice.
  After Chi Yan heard this, he said, "He means that the end of the road is Xizhou. He 'saw' me and will welcome him home at the end, right?" "
  Then take this road." Chi Yan ordered , "Gao Sen Gao Hu and I go over, and the others go back the same way."
  Qiao Xuan was silent, and he and the others were walking back, but Chi Yan stopped him, "You come too."
  This section of the road completely changed. , probably because the fighting just now spread here, the general mountain completely collapsed, blocking the original road. At the same time, another brand-new road appeared, and the direction of the road was exactly in the direction of Xizhou. go.
  Chi Yan's heartbeat was getting faster and faster. He quickened his pace, walking with wind, almost running.
  The mountain road was rugged, twisting left and right. I don’t know how long we walked, but the mountain road became wider and our eyes suddenly opened up.
  The last rays of the setting sun fell on the trees. The golden ginkgo trees were shining brightly, and the leaves covered the ground. The handsome young man lay on them, sleeping like a sleeping beauty. This picture was so beautiful that people couldn't bear to call it a break.
  But at this moment, the young man's narrow eyelashes trembled, and he opened his dark and bright eyes and looked at the person.
  Xiang Nanchuan seemed to have just woken up. He stretched and smiled, his tone unconsciously carrying a hint of coquettishness, "Why did you come here? I've been waiting for you for a long time."
  Chi Yan walked over and said tightly, Hugging him tightly, "I'm sorry, I'm late."
  Xiang Nanchuan patted his head and thought angrily, "I seem to have forgotten something."
  Chi Yan touched his head gently, "I can't remember. Don't think about it, let's go home."
  Xiang Nanchuan took Chi Yan's hand, stood up, walked two steps, and yawned again, "I seem to be very tired these days, am I rushing too much? I'm tired."
  Chi Yan bent down and waved, "Come up, I'll carry you home."
  Xiang Nanchuan smiled and climbed on Chi Yan's back, "Come on, hurry up, I think the fat man's donkey is rolling, and Mu Winter pumpkin cake, and..."
  Chi Yan was angry and funny, with a helpless tone, and patted someone's forehead gently, "Don't you miss me at all?"
  Xiang Nanchuan tugged. Chi Yan whispered in his ear: "I think it is because I miss you so much that I rush back in such a hurry."
  Chi Yan was caught off guard, his ears were warm and his heart was warm.
  Luckily you're okay, little idiot.

  ✓ I Open a supermarket in the apocalypseWhere stories live. Discover now