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As soon as Haiyang left the supermarket, Dafei said hesitantly: "Brother Lu, my brothers..."

Brother Lu solemnly said: "They are also my brothers. As long as I still have breath, I will never leave them alone." As long as they are still alive.

However, Da Fei didn't understand the meaning of Brother Lu's words, and thought he was accusing him of abandoning them and running back. Suddenly, a sneer appeared on his face.

Brother Lu said to the person with enhanced vision: "Hammer, come here."

Hammer didn't know what Brother Lu wanted to say to him, so he followed Brother Lu out of the mall in fear.

Walking to a deserted place, Brother Lu said, "Tomorrow you go out with Zhou Hai and the others to clean up the zombies."

Shui Zi was shocked, "But Brother Lu, I..."

"Huh?" Brother Lu glanced over with sharp eyes, "You don't want to go?"

Shui Zi suddenly remembered the time when he took refuge with Brother Lu. Brother Lu said that he would not raise waste here, and everyone would go out to kill zombies. At first, Hammer cautiously went out with them to kill zombies several times. Once there were too many zombies and they were chased for several streets. However, it rained all night and the road ahead was blocked by cars. They had to get off the car. Run for your life.

In the process of escaping, Hammer almost lost his courage, and he was even scratched by a zombie. Although he was lucky enough to awaken his visual powers in the end, after gaining the powers, Hammer became so restless that he never wanted to go out again. Kill the zombies.

At first, no one said anything, but gradually some people became dissatisfied. Other superpowers were going out to kill zombies. Why was he the exception? That's why people like Haiyang deliberately targeted him.

Hammer felt that Brother Lu's glance could see through his heart. He secretly resented it, but said, "I will go out with them tomorrow."

Seeing that Brother Lu didn't say anything else, Hammer returned to the mall with anger and dissatisfaction.

As soon as the hammer left, a woman in a mink coat walked out from behind the door. Her soft and boneless body leaned in Brother Lu's arms, and said in a sweet voice: "Brother Lu, do you want me to teach him a lesson?"

Brother Lu pulled down the woman's hand with a cold expression, "Just give her a small lesson. Don't kill people."

The woman covered her mouth and laughed, "Don't worry, I know what's appropriate."

After a while, the woman frowned again, "What's going on over there on Qingping Road? Brother Lu, you obviously know..." Having said this, the woman vaguely said, "Why did you let Da Fei's gang pass by?"

Brother Lu pushed the woman away, "So what if we know that Chi Yan is a superpower? Da Fei and the others usually disobey discipline. I originally wanted to teach them a small lesson, but who knew that Da Fei and the others offended people so badly that Chi Yan Yan would rather offend us than kill people. It seems that Chi Yan cannot be kept." There is a whole street of supplies there. Although they are not short of supplies now, many of the supplies in the end of the world cannot be reproduced. If they want They develop and grow, so they can eat no matter how much supplies they have.

The woman wanted to say something more, but at this moment, a man covered his bleeding arm and ran back crawling on the ground, "Brother Lu! The zombies have become stronger, and all our people are gone..."

Brother Lu's face instantly turned as cold as frost. There were several superpowers in the team they sent out to clean up the zombies today, but all of them were wiped out. Brother Lu was furious.

  ✓ I Open a supermarket in the apocalypseWhere stories live. Discover now