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"I Open a Supermarket in the End of the World" by: Night is Cool Like Water

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The man asked, "What's the fun way?"
  Yun Yan smiled meaningfully, "How can you share something interesting with others?" The implication was that he didn't want others to interfere.
  "Over there at Tianyang Base..."
  Xiang Nanchuan didn't hear what the two people behind him said clearly, he could only vaguely hear a few words. He hadn't used his powers in some cases and didn't control his powers well. The scene faded away. Xiang Nanchuan was dizzy. He held Chi Yan's arm to steady himself, his face turned slightly pale, and he shook his head at Chi Yan, "I didn't..." Xiang Nanchuan suddenly thought of something and hurriedly changed his words, "I'm a little uncomfortable. We Let's go back first." He said, blinking at an angle that no one else could see.
  Chi Yan's eyes moved slightly, he squeezed Xiang Nanchuan's palm, and said in an ambiguous tone: "Did I go too far last night?"
  Xiang Nanchuan: Meow meow meow?
  Chi Yan half-hugged Xiang Nanchuan, "I'm sorry, I can't control it either. I'll be gentler next time." "
  "I know you won't be angry with me."
  Xiang Nanchuan gave up the struggle. He leaned softly against Chi Yan and said coquettishly, "I feel pain there and I don't want to walk." "
  Then I'll carry you." Chi Yan bent down and carried Xiang Nanchuan on his back.
  Feeling the piercing gaze behind him, Xiang Nanchuan couldn't help but tug at Chi Yan's ears, "It's all your fault!"
  Chi Yan didn't understand what Xiang Nanchuan was talking about and nodded submissively, "It's all my fault.
  " Nanchuan was angry and funny, "Okay, he didn't follow, let me down quickly."
  Chi Yan pretended to be deaf and mute, carrying Xiang Nanchuan on his back as he walked towards the small villa. Xiang Nanchuan suddenly became anxious and pulled Chi Yan's ears. , "Hey! Chi Yan, you betrayed you! Did you eat the heart of a bear and the courage of a leopard?"
  Chi Yan said with a smile, "I'll be home soon."
  When Chen Chong and the others saw Chi Yan carrying Xiang Nanchuan back on his back, At that time, everyone was confused, "What's wrong with the store manager?"
  Chi Yan's slightly raised corners of his mouth slowly straightened, "It's nothing, I just sprained my foot."
  A group of ignorant old men really believed Chi Yan's story Using excuses, they all went up to show their concern to Xiang Nanchuan, "Manager, I will bring you my ancestral iron-strength medicinal wine."
  Mudong muttered, "Manager, please rest. I'll give you whatever you want to eat for lunch." To do it, we need pig's trotters to make up for the shape. But pig's trotters are hard to buy now. Brother Xu Yuan, why don't we go to the black market to see if there are any pig's trotters for sale."
  Xiang Nanchuan's eyes twitched, and he held his forehead, "I'm so scared. It's not like my leg is broken. Just go ahead and eat some pig's trotters. Don't bother me. I have a headache." He glanced at Chi Yan who was smiling sullenly and stretched out his hand, "Captain Chi, why don't you hurry up? Help me back to the room to rest."
  Chi Yan helped Xiang Nanchuan up, and the two quickly slipped back to the room.
  Mu Dong scratched his head, "Strange, didn't the store manager sprain his ankle? Why are you still walking so fast?"
  Chen Chong walked by and shook his head with a smile.
  After returning to the bedroom and closing the door, Xiang Nanchuan's expression suddenly changed and he glared at Chi Yan angrily.
  Chi Yan went over and kissed his cheek, "Baby, I was wrong."
  Xiang Nanchuan poked his shoulder and said sadly: "Chi Yan, you are a bad learner. You were not like this before." Xiang Nanchuan seemed to feel that he had misunderstood something. , I still remember that when we first met, Chi Yan would tease him. Xiang Nanchuan felt that he was really stupid. How could he not misjudge this man's ambition at that time.
  Chi Yan's dark eyes were fixed on Xiang Nanchuan without speaking.
  Xiang Nanchuan pushed his face away with an indifferent look on his face, "Don't look at me. I definitely didn't teach you bad things." Xiang Nanchuan thought that he had both good character and academic skills, as well as both political integrity and talent. How could he do such a teasing thing? ? !
  Xiang Nanchuan patted his forehead, "I almost forgot about business." Then he said seriously, "You can't touch Yun Yan for the time being." The reason
  why Xiang Nanchuan stopped Chi Yan from doing anything was because he saw Yun Yan's purpose in coming to Beicheng this time. Based on the last few words he heard intermittently, he guessed who they might want to attack.
  The reason why Yun Yan followed them was probably because he saw Chi Yan. Thinking of this, Xiang Nanchuan felt a little unhappy and felt angry that his possessions were coveted. He could feel that Yun Yan was very interested in Chi Yan. This kind of preference is like a cat lover seeing someone holding a cute ragdoll cat on the road. Generally, cat lovers will come up to tease it, but a lunatic like Yun Yan wants to take it as his own, otherwise he will not get it. When it arrives, it will be destroyed.
  Although it is inappropriate to compare Chi Yan to a cat, Chi Yan is nothing like a cat. He is simply a wolf with a big tail!

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