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"I Open a Supermarket in the End of the World" by: Night is Cool Like Water

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Quickly hung up the phone.
  Chi Yan heard a busy signal from his cell phone and immediately glanced at Zhong Hesheng displeased.
  Zhong Hesheng raised his hands and begged for mercy, "Captain, it's an urgent matter. Please listen to me first before I speak." Zhong Hesheng's expression was serious, "Lao He sent a message this morning. He saw the big boss leaving the base."
  Zhong Hesheng said "big boss" " is the zombie boss. Since Xiang Nanchuan and Chi Yan left the base two years ago, the zombie boss has not come out very often. Occasionally, he comes out to ask for crystal cores from the survivors. Later, when Xiang Nanchuan and the others returned to the base, they had very few opportunities to see this elusive boss. Therefore, except for some old people in Xizhou, many new survivors who came later did not know the existence of this boss.
  The zombie boss is like a Dinghai Shenzhen in the base. With it, Xizhou Base has never encountered a zombie wave. This big guy hasn't moved anywhere in two or three years. This time he actually left the base without saying a word, which really made Zhong Hesheng feel uneasy.
  Chi Yan's face darkened, "Please inform the patrol team to be alert and pay attention to the surrounding situation at all times, and also remind the team not to go too far when they go out to search for supplies." "
  After I got the news, The notice was sent down. There is one more thing," Zhong Hesheng said again, "Zhou Lin and the others secretly reported that some people in the base have been acting strange recently, as if they believe in some kind of church, and they often say some weird things. Zhou Lin I felt something was wrong, so I reported it to Qin Han secretly. I suspected that someone from the Sheng'an Cult came here to preach."
  Zhou Lin was one of the bad boys at the Yuhe base. He became more honest after following Qin Han and the others to Xizhou. He took up the position of base area administrator a year ago. This guy is quite smart and can get along with everyone. Once he finds something wrong with someone in his jurisdiction, he will report it immediately.
  Xizhou Base is also a famous base in the south. People from the St. An's Sect will definitely not let this piece of fat go. Chi Yan was not surprised when he heard that there were people from the St. An's Sect in the base. "You put Zhou Lin called here, I have something to ask him."
  At the same time, an uninvited guest also came to Xiang Nanchuan.

Chapter 91
  "Mr. Xiang, I have admired you for a long time." The man with Chinese character face came up to him with a smile, as if he had known each other for many years, and exchanged pleasantries with Xiang Nanchuan for a while, "I don't know if you came to the base in person, many of the people below have been offended. , a small gift is not a sign of respect, I hope you will accept it."
  The man with a Chinese character waved his hand, and seven or eight people behind him came in carrying several boxes of things, and lined them up at the door. It was so spectacular.
  Xiang Nanchuan stared blankly for a moment, and hurriedly said: "No need..."
  The next second, the Chinese-character-faced voice directly covered Xiang Nanchuan's unsaid words, "If you want anything, treat it as the boy below and respect you." "Yes."
  Xiang Nanchuan suddenly smiled awkwardly but politely.
  Perhaps seeing through Xiang Nanchuan's mild embarrassment, the sturdy man smiled heartily and said: "Sorry, I just talk a lot. Let's sit down and chat slowly first. I don't know if Mr. Xiang can give me some face." ."
  Now Xiang Nanchuan finally knew that this person was the "Cheng Boss" among Lao Cao and others. Xiang Nanchuan had no ill feelings towards this Cheng Boss. He had met many such people, and Xiang Nanchuan had also learned from it. Maintain your identity and there is no need to put down your body and argue with him.
  Xiang Nanchuan couldn't even bring himself to show interest in ants that could be crushed to death with just a move of his fingers.
  Boss Cheng lowered his stance and patted his chest, promising that he would severely punish those subordinates who offended Xiang Nanchuan. He didn’t know where Boss Cheng learned his identity, but it was good to let Xiang Nanchuan save it. Caused a lot of trouble.
  After sending off Cheng LaoDa, the crowd of onlookers outside the supermarket gradually dispersed, leaving only a row of boxes at the door. Xiang Nanchuan put them into his bracelet without even looking at them. At the same time, the supermarket's passenger flow reached its peak. In the past few days, Xiang Nanchuan received many high-level military officials from the northwest base and reached several agreements in private.
  Just as Xiang Nanchuan was about to leave the northwest base, a senior military official rushed over to deliver the news that Beicheng was in chaos!
  Xiang Nanchuan was a little confused, how could something so good suddenly become chaotic.
  The Northwest Base and the Beicheng Base have always been in contact because the commander of the Northwest Military Region comes from a certain family in Beicheng, and the information he gets is basically correct.
  According to the high-level person who sent the news, their commander's family is preparing to all move to the northwest base.
  It was already the closing time of the supermarket, and there were still people queuing up in twos and threes outside. The wind in the northwest was like a knife, which hurt his face. Xiang Nanchuan stood at the door for a long time without moving, until the last customer finished checking out. He greeted Xiang Nanchuan cautiously. , "Store manager, I've finished my shopping. You should close the door early and take a rest."
  Xiang Nanchuan suddenly came to his senses and nodded, "Be careful on the road."
  After receiving Xiang Nanchuan's concern, the customer was flattered and walked out of the supermarket, looking back frequently, but at this time Xiang Nanchuan Nanchuan no longer cares about him.
  Xiang Nanchuan took out his mobile phone and called Chi Yan.

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