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Xiang Nanchuan tapped his fingers on his knees and fell into deep thought. In the hands of the Shanhai Team, this would not be easy.

He is not afraid of facing off against the Shan Hai Team, but the King of Hell is easy to meet, and the kid is difficult to deal with. Fu Tao of the Shan Hai Team is as narrow-minded as a needle, so it will take a lot of effort to snatch them away.

Qiao Donghua's eyes were piercing, as if he had seen through his worries, and he said: "Don't worry, Fu Tao doesn't know about this yet. If you want to rescue them, it's best to skip Fu Tao and contact the people behind him."

This news was naturally revealed by Ge Feng. After all, Ge Feng used to work in a government department. His colleagues were distributed in various positions in the base. The network of relationships was intricate and it was much easier to find someone.

On the second day after arriving at the base, Mu Dong went to his aunt's house to look for it. Mu Dong's aunt's family belonged to the middle class and had several properties at home. Mu Dong only knew the location of one of the properties, which was in the high-end area of ​​Area C. Community, when he got there, he found that the house was occupied by a family he didn't know. Mudong couldn't get any news from them.

What Mu Dong was most afraid of was that the bus her mother was riding had an accident on the road, and her mother did not reach the provincial capital smoothly...

Mudong was relieved to hear that his mother was in the hands of the Shan Hai Team, as long as her mother was still alive.

Mudong's mother didn't know whether to say she was lucky or unlucky. No one on the bus she took was infected with the zombie virus. However, the journey to the provincial capital was full of dangers. The streets were full of cannibalistic tragedies. Fortunately, the bus driver did not leave anyone behind. A car full of people drove to the provincial capital.

When we arrived at the provincial capital, the situation in the provincial capital was not optimistic. Communication facilities were cut off. Mudongs mother could not contact her eldest sister. She and some passengers in the car hid in the car and escaped the initial chaos. A few days later The officers and soldiers of the army rescued them. Mudong's mother was not from the provincial capital, so she could only be assigned to Area C, where she worked every day in exchange for credits.

Since she had just undergone surgery, she could not do any heavy work and could only grow vegetables in the vegetable garden. Mudong's mother was also a great beauty when she was young. Now she is less than forty years old, and she still looks as charming as thirty years old. Still exist.

Even before the end of the world, such a lonely and helpless woman would be coveted by people with ill intentions, let alone in troubled times when the rules have collapsed, especially at the beginning of the base, when new rules and regulations have not yet been formulated, many people hold With the attitude of "life is short, take pleasure in the moment", in order to satisfy his own selfish desires, he went around raping, burning and killing people.

Mudong's mother has a strong temper, otherwise she wouldn't have decided to divorce her after knowing that she had married a scumbag by mistake, and raised Mudong by herself.

After discovering that she was being targeted by gangsters, Mudong's mother calmly hid a hoe in the dormitory. Sure enough, someone came into the house at night. Several girls in the same room were so frightened that they could only scream and cry. They were beaten by a few tall and strong men. The grown man covered his mouth and couldn't resist. Mudong's mother immediately took out a hoe from under the bed and hit a man on the head.

The man was unprepared and stared blankly as the hoe was hit on his head. Blood immediately flowed from his head. He fell to the ground and twitched, then stopped moving.

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