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"I Open a Supermarket in the End of the World" by: Night is Cool Like Water

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Come on, I thought I really committed suicide.
  The situation was so urgent at that time that Xiang Nanchuan was unconscious and could barely protect himself. Fortunately, Chi Yan arrived in time and prevented them from causing a "death together" incident.
  Xiang Nanchuan could feel that the "hint" that the woman left in his mind was still there, but the distance was too far for the other party to control him. Keeping him alive would be a hidden danger after all. Maybe one day that woman would sneak into Xizhou and control him to kill Chi Yan.
  Xiang Nanchuan must not let this happen.
  "Zhong Yao didn't really hurt me. For Zhong Hesheng's sake, I won't pursue it for the time being." Xiang Nanchuan thought for a while and continued, "He has been completely brainwashed by the Sheng'an Cult. If you let him out, sooner or later something bad will happen."
  " I will send Qianling to keep an eye on him."
  Xiang Nanchuan yawned, holding a pumpkin cake in his mouth, "How about the vaccine antigen extraction?"
  Chi Yan filled a bowl of pumpkin porridge, "The process is going very smoothly. In half a month, it will be ready." The vaccine has been mass-produced."
  While he was still energetic, Xiang Nanchuan finished the sentence in one breath, "Please pay more attention to Qiao Xuan. You see that the base below is getting stronger and stronger. Beicheng is now in chaos again. I don't think Beicheng will be able to suppress it sooner or later. Live in the base below."
  Chi Yan nodded in agreement, "Don't worry, I'm sensible, and I don't intend to wade into this muddy water."
  Xiang Nanchuan was naturally relieved about Chi Yan. He knew that Chi Yan had never had the idea of ​​becoming king and hegemon. The state base is just following the trend and wants to create a safe home for people like them.
  Just as Xiang Nanchuan had guessed, within a few days, bases including Huaishui, Tianyang and other bases successively declared independence.
  The major bases started planning early to break away from the control of Beicheng. This time, they took advantage of the chaos in Beicheng and united their front.
  But dad is your dad after all. A few days later, Beicheng released news that they had developed a zombie vaccine and welcomed talented people to join Beicheng's superpower team.
  Other bases were unwilling to admit defeat and expressed their willingness to share the world with those with super powers.
  You just sing and then I come on stage. It's really lively, but the Xizhou base is always out of place. It's like a worldly expert, watching with cold eyes and letting you jump up and down.

Chapter 105
  Time goes back to three days ago.
  Southwest, God’s Domain.
  Cheng Gui predicted that Ariel was in danger, and He Luo immediately opened the passage to bring Ariel back.
  The divine domain is nearly two thousand kilometers away from Xizhou. In order to open this passage, He Luo used up all his powers. Ariel not only failed to intercept Qiao Xuan this time and allowed him to arrive in Xizhou safe and sound, but also did not kill Xiang Nanchuan and allowed him to reach Xizhou safely. They lost one member - Cheng Liya.
  Others are not completely complaining about this. Due to Ariel's status, they may comfort Ariel on the surface and say it's okay, but in reality no one knows what they think.
  Ariel's face was extremely ugly. At that time, she grabbed Xiang Nanchuan's body just to confirm whether he was really dead. When she touched the delicate skin, Ariel realized that something was wrong, but the time was too short and Ariel could not After being completely confirmed, he took the body with him and passed it back to the divine realm through the passage.
  Unexpectedly, this corpse would become the most shameful mark in her life. She thought that Ariel had been in the world of killers for decades, and she made a mistake for the first time, and an outsider saw her embarrassed appearance. Ariel was so angry that her nose almost fell off. .
  After all, Ariel had dissected dozens of people before, and she knew the human skin tissue very well. If she had been given more time to examine it, Ariel would have been able to tell that this was not a living body.
  In the palace-style hall, a charming fragrance drifted over from outside the door, and the noisy hall suddenly became quiet.
  Then, a blond woman walked in. Her face was Western-style, and she was wrapped in a black robe from the neck down. She stopped in front of the body of "Xiang Nanchuan" and stretched out her hand to check. Corpse". The back of her hand was covered with veins, like an old man's hand.
  "This is Ross's puppet." The woman clapped her hands, "I asked Ross to make a few for me to play with, but the boy treated the puppet as if it were a treasure and refused to give it to me. Later, the boy died. , and his puppet disappeared. If I guessed correctly, it was Xiang Nanchuan who robbed Ross of his golden finger."
  Ariel sneered, "That son of a bitch Xiang Nanchuan, no wonder he has so many good things in his hands. , all the golden fingers of us people have been robbed by him."
  After hearing this, the others' faces were equally solemn. Xiang Nanchuan is a terrible person. If he is not dealt with, they will not be able to sleep or eat well.
  He Luo looked around at everyone's expressions, put his arms around Ariel's shoulders, and said with a smile: "Ai Li, come on, don't be angry, Brother He will say this for you."
  Aina sneered, "It's rare for you to suffer a fate.
  Ariel sneered back, "To each other." The
  two sisters have never had a good relationship, but they are biological sisters after all, and it is not the turn of outsiders to bully them. Aina threw out a packet of medicine, "If you don't recover your powers, others will I’m going to step on you to get the upper hand.”

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