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The two of them did not go back to their residence in Area A, but came to the supermarket in Xiang Nanchuan. In the past few days, the commercial street in Area C has returned to its usual bustle, and more and more customers come to the supermarket to buy things.

Qiao Xuan was lying under the supermarket checkout counter at this time. After all, there is no safer place in the world than a supermarket. Even if the Saint'an Church knew that he was here, as long as Qiao Xuan was not voluntary, they could not take him away.

Xiang Nanchuan fed him some food to prevent him from starving to death, and then stuffed him back under the checkout counter. He stood up, met the curious eyes of the customers who were checking out, and said seriously to Nanchuan: "There are mice under the table. .

But he didn't want to scare the guests half to death with a random joke, "Is it mourning, mourning, the number of zombies?"

"No..." Before Xiang Nanchuan could finish his words, he saw the guest running away with the sack. In an instant, the entire supermarket felt as if a nuclear bomb had been dropped. When the customers in line behind heard the conversation, they were so frightened that they didnt even pay their bills and ran away screaming. The originally crowded supermarket suddenly became empty, and even The team outside was also in panic for a while.

As the perpetrator, Xiang Nanchuan's expression is hard to describe.

A smile flashed in Chi Yan's eyes.

The two of them paused in the supermarket for more than ten minutes, then came out and walked away. After shaking off the people who were following them, they disguised themselves and returned to the commercial street. They walked into the fast food restaurant diagonally opposite the supermarket. Was this going to be a meal? At that time, there were no customers in the fast food restaurant. The owner sat at the door and dozed off, as if he didn't notice anyone coming in.

Xiang Nanchuan entered the store and went straight to the second floor. When he opened the door of the first room on the left, he saw Chen Chong and Xu Yuan arriving.

After closing the door, he walked towards Nanchuan and sat down at the seat reserved next to Chi Yan. He said quickly: "Let me tell you what I saw in the hospital first." In the process of speaking, he concealed some things from Nanchuan appropriately. , such as Mu Helian's body turning into a half-animal.

After hearing this, Chen Chong thought deeply. The hospital's defense was impregnable and a force attack would definitely not work. The only way was to defeat them one by one.

The premise is that the safety of Mu and Lian must be ensured, otherwise their actions will lose any meaning.

Chen Chong pushed up his glasses and said, "I got news that Mayor Chen will hold a dinner tomorrow night and has invited senior military officials, St. An's Sect elder Su Anzhe, and captains and vice-captains of various superpower teams to attend, so I suggest that Action tomorrow night.

It is impossible for Mayor Chen to hold a banquet for no reason and invite various forces in the base to participate. What on earth do they want to do? Xiang Nanchuan suddenly asked: "Have you ever thought that from the beginning of the mutated mandala and zombie rats to the internal strife in the military headquarters, all of this was planned by the Saint'an Church."

Mu Dong was shocked, "Do they want to control the entire base? How can the military agree?"

Chi Yan said calmly: "There has been chaos within the military headquarters. We can't even protect ourselves. We want to know who is from the St. An's Sect and who will be the final beneficiary."

The faces of Adjutant Wu, Major General Xu Luo and others flashed through Xiang Nanchuan's mind, and Xiang Nanchuan's frown relaxed, "We can't do anything about the base. Let's put this issue aside for now. After Mu Dong's mother is rescued, , lets leave the base immediately!

  ✓ I Open a supermarket in the apocalypseWhere stories live. Discover now