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"I Open a Supermarket in the End of the World" by: Night is Cool Like Water

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When they came out of the city, they found that their car had been blown up, and they had to walk to the next town to see if they could find any useful transportation.
  Nearly 7 hours have passed, but the system has never responded.
  Dragging his heavy anklets, Xu Yuan gritted his teeth and followed the group without anyone's support.
  However, the Chi family is a little bit overwhelmed. The whole family is old and weak. What's more, they have not suffered much in the last days. It is normal for their bodies to be unable to bear it after walking dozens of kilometers.
  Xiang Nanchuan was tolerant of Chi Yan's relatives. After walking out of the county town, Xiang Nanchuan waved his hand, and a sightseeing bus suddenly appeared in front of them.
  Most of the veteran members of the team have been on this sightseeing bus and are no strangers to it. They cheered "Long live the store manager" and rushed to get on the bus.
  But the Chi family was stunned. The uncle of the Chi family pointed at the sightseeing bus and stammered: "This, this, this..." Xiang
  Nanchuan said nonsense seriously, "Didn't Chi Yan tell you? I am a space superpower. "
  The uncle of the Chi family was at a loss for words. When Chi Yan returned to Beicheng, he came to his home several times, but in the end they parted on bad terms. One old and one young, both have the same stubborn personalities. The uncle of the Chi family is sandwiched in the middle, like a sandwich biscuit. It would be good if he could chat with Chi Yan for a few words. Who knows how many talented people he has under his command? Afterwards, he realized that Chi Yan had hidden so deeply.
  Mr. Chi and Chi Tianzong looked calm and said nothing, and were helped by Chi Shan to get on the sightseeing bus.
  The group of people got on the sightseeing bus one after another. No one noticed that Xu Wanling was hanging down all the time, with her long curly hair draped messily on her shoulders. She stared blankly at the sightseeing bus in front of her, with an expression that looked like she was crying but not crying. Finally, she stood in the pool. After being urged by my uncle, I got on the bus.
  The sightseeing bus independently selected and optimized its route. The destination was the next supermarket, which was slightly off the route. Moreover, the sightseeing bus was too obvious. Before arriving at the next base, Xiang Nanchuan put the sightseeing bus away and the group walked on foot. past.
  This base is called Huai Shui Base. It has experienced many zombie waves, including Beicheng's help. I heard that the main person in charge of Huai Shui Base has some relationship with Beicheng's Wang family.

  Xiang Nanchuan was hesitant for a while, whether to go to Huai Shui base to rest for a few days. If the person in charge of the base really had something to do with the Wang family, bringing the Chi family into the base would be like a sheep entering a tiger's mouth.
  Chi Tianzong probably saw the worry in his heart and snorted, "What's so scary? Shao Li will probably be able to avoid those crazy dogs from the Wang family. She is a smart person and will not reveal our whereabouts to the Wang family."
  Xiang Nanchuan was stunned. He did not expect that Mr. Chi would suddenly speak.
  Mr. Chi thought that Xiang Nanchuan didn't believe what he said, so he couldn't help but feel a little impatient, "Why are you standing there! Could I still lie to you?"
  "I don't mean not to believe you." Xiang Nanchuan shook his head, "There should be others in the city. The St. An's Sect's spy, we will definitely be discovered if we enter rashly like this."
  Chi Shan suddenly said weakly: "I, I have a way."
  An hour later, a pair of short-haired sisters walked into the base gate. Almost the same height, the elder sister is as cold as ice, wearing a black jacket, jeans, and a machete on her waist. The younger sister has a delicate face, wearing a fashionable little fragrant coat, and holding a hunting gun in her hand. Both of them have good looks. It went well and attracted many people’s attention along the way.
  However, those who are able to survive until now in the apocalypse and dare to go out with two single women will probably become piranha. Therefore, ordinary men would not dare to strike up a conversation if they are daydreaming.
  What outsiders didn't know was that my sister was secretly grinding her teeth, almost breaking one. If she had known that Chi Shan's solution was to wear women's clothes, he would not have agreed even if he jumped off the city wall.
  When Chi Shan asked for women's clothes, Xiang Nanchuan didn't think too much about it. Then when Chi Shan asked for a wig, Xiang Nanchuan had a premonition that something bad was going to happen. Looking at Chi Shan's smiling face, Xiang Nanchuan's prediction came true. .
  fall! God knows why his supermarket still has wigs!
  Xiang Nanchuan, who was forced to board the pirate ship, had no time to regret it.
  It was much easier for two single women to enter the base. After Xiang Nanchuan revealed that he was a speed user and showed off, no one dared to stop them. After paying the city fee, After taking another blood test to prove that there is no zombie virus on his body, he can enter the city, and there is no need to search his body or anything. After all, some people with super powers have bad tempers, and most of the staff are ordinary people, so it is naturally impossible to provoke them.
  "Cheng Baiyu", that is, Qiao Xuan disguised as Cheng Baiyu, followed Xiang Nanchuan like a little daughter-in-law.
  As for the others, they also entered the base in batches disguised, some pretending to be lone psychics, and some pretending to be businessmen bringing slaves into the base for sale.
  However, before entering the base, Xiang Nanchuan had to remove the anklets on Xu Yuan's body.
  Exactly 12 hours later, the system that had been missing for a day finally made a sound.
  The method of untying the anklet is neither difficult nor easy. It requires the cooperation of a person with metal powers. However, Xu Yuan's powers are blocked and cannot be used. Fortunately, there is Qiao Xuan in the team.
  Use the softener provided by the system and pour only a few drops on the iron chain, and the iron chain will soften at a speed visible to the naked eye.
  Seeing that the iron chain had become limp, Xu Yuan wanted to reach out and pull off the anklet. This anklet had restrained him for too long, and Xu Yuan even dreamed of breaking free from it.

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