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"I Open a Supermarket in the End of the World" by: Night is Cool Like Water

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The situation was more serious than Xiang Nanchuan imagined. Another wave of zombies came from the south that night. Those teams who went out to search for supplies but did not have time to come back and spent the night outside were almost wiped out in this zombie wave. According to luck, The survivors who escaped and reported the news said that there were several waves of zombies approaching, densely packed and in shocking numbers.
  What makes people even more desperate is that this wave of zombies coming from the south are zombies that have evolved for the second time.
  Researchers preliminarily determined that the zombies, whose abilities had regressed a lot after a long period of hibernation, quickly underwent secondary evolution after replenishing energy from human flesh and blood.
  escape? Where can they escape? Xiang Nanchuan and the others were originally going south, and now these waves of zombies are coming from the south. Beicheng cannot accept many survivors. Further north is the Dongshan Base. In order to avoid the cold a few years ago, a large number of survivors migrated from the Dongshan Base. The zombies were frozen at that time and the road was not so dangerous. Now the zombies have all woken up. , hungry all winter, and even more ferocious, it is almost impossible for them to return to the Dongshan base all in one piece.
  Chi Yan held a short meeting with the team leaders and finally unanimously decided to stay at the Tianlong base for the time being and wait for the follow-up situation before making a decision whether to return to Beicheng or continue to the south. Chi Yan sent a team to the southeast base to see what the situation was like there.
  The southeast base is a little south of Tianlong Base. If the zombie wave comes to Tianlong Base, then the situation at the southeast base should be more severe.
  The arrival of the zombie wave completely disrupted Xiang Nanchuan's plan. Xiang Nanchuan is so hot! I was so anxious that my lips were blistered.
  Chi Yan just came back from outside and saw that there was no one in the living room and the food on the table was cold. He walked to the bedroom.
  Xiang Nanchuan sat cross-legged on the bed, biting the end of his pen, thinking hard, his brows furrowed tightly, and he didn't even hear the door open.
  Chi Yan walked over and picked up the notebook in front of him, on which the floor plan of the city lord's mansion was scrawled. "Still thinking about Yun Yan?"
  Xiang Nanchuan sighed, "I can't think of it!"
  Tomorrow is the last day of the weak period. Now the city lord's mansion is heavily guarded, and they can't even get in if they want to.
  The props he used in his warehouse included an invisibility potion, two powerful pills, a damage resistance card, and other miscellaneous props, such as flying charms, nutrient solutions, etc., but not many were put to use, which made Xiang Nanchuan a little bit I am at my wits end.
  Chi Yan closed his notebook and knocked on Xiang Nanchuan's forehead, "Since he wants to be a coward, why don't we just lure him out."
  Xiang Nanchuan's eyes lit up, "Do you have any idea?"
  "Eat first, eat. Let’s talk after dinner.” Chi Yan held Xiang Nanchuan’s arm and pulled him up from the bed with a little force.
  Xiang Nanchuan glanced at the time and said in surprise: "It turns out it's already this time." He seemed to have heard Mu Dong's voice just now, but at that time he was so lost in thought that he responded casually, and then forgot about eating. It's in the back of my head.
  Mu Dong cooked meals for two people. Normally, as long as Chi Yan didn't leave the base, he would rush back for lunch no matter how busy he was. Today, he delayed his time and came back half an hour late. How could he know that Xiang Nanchuan was alone there? The family is so confused.
  Chi Yan picked up the plate with vegetables, placed his palm on the bottom plate, and slowly activated his power. After a while, the food started to steam.
  What I cooked today was beef tenderloin with hot pepper, fried cauliflower, braised chicken with mushrooms, and a pot of corn soup. They were both meat and vegetable dishes. They were very homely dishes. Compared to many survivors outside, they still can’t afford to eat. They had enough food.
  Mu Dong's cooking skills were quite good, but not as good as Chi Yan's. Xiang Nanchuan was probably very hungry, so he ate three bowls of rice in a row before giving up. Finally, he added a bowl of soup, which he drank slowly. While sipping the soup, he looked at Chi Yan with one eye and asked attentively: "Brother, are you full?"
  Chi Yan was a few years older than Xiang Nanchuan, and Xiang Nanchuan said "brother" without any psychological pressure.
  Chi Yan laughed and didn't want to hang on to Xiang Nanchuan anymore. "Li Guang contacted me today."
  "What did he tell you?" Seeing that there was no movement from Li Guang, Xiang Nanchuan wanted to give up on attacking him. I think Li Guang will contact Chi Yan at this time.
  Chi Yan said: "He agreed to cooperate, but he is only responsible for bringing Yun Yan out, and then leave it to us." At this point, Chi Yan changed the subject, "But I made a condition to him."
  " What are the conditions?"
  "I want to see Zhu Lili's body."
  "How do you know..."
  "Don't you want to know how Zhu Lili died?" Chi Yan said, "I made an agreement with him to come over in the afternoon. Prepare in advance."
  What to prepare? Xiang Nanchuan didn't react, so he didn't take Chi Yan's words at heart. When he saw the corpse that was so rotten that it couldn't be seen in the human form in the afternoon, Xiang Nanchuan almost vomited out the meal he had eaten at noon.
  Chi Yan took out a mask and put it on Xiang Nanchuan, "I told you to be mentally prepared."

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