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The situation on the top of the mountain was exactly the same as what we saw yesterday. On the "giant tree" with tangled roots, buds were wrapped around dense "corpses". Seeing such an eye-catching scene, many people got goosebumps.

"Oh my god, this is so scary."

One person swallowed his saliva and said, "Isn't this just hanging people up to store food?"

Everyone couldn't help but think of the bacon that was dried at home every year before winter. Their stomachs suddenly turned, and they covered their mouths and retched.

Xiang Nanchuan remembered that the information showed that there was only one mutated mandala in the entire mountain. He felt chilled in his heart. He didn't know how many people had eaten to grow so tall.

After everyone was shocked, Major General Xu Luo waved his hand, "Wind and wood superpowers are ready."

Before going up the mountain, Major General Xu Luo briefly explained the plan. After reaching the top of the mountain, the wind power users cut off the flower buds, the wood power users cooperated to save the survivors, and the other power users interfered with the mutated mandala. After rescuing the people, use fire attack to burn all the mutated mandalas on the mountain.

As Major General Xu Luo's words fell, wind and wood superpowers came out. The wind superpower cut off the flower buds with a wind blade. The wood superpower released branches and weaved a big net in mid-air. The fallen superpowers. At this moment, the mutated mandala began to shake wildly, and countless branches emerged from the ground. Everyone saw that these branches were still vaguely stained with blood, and their memories suddenly came back, remembering that these branches could suck the blood from people in an instant. This scene made some superpowers feel timid.

Major General Xu Luo shouted loudly, "All teammates, listen to the order! Use the crystal core gun and hit its fibrous roots."

Five hundred soldiers pulled out their crystal core guns and aimed at the roots of the mutant mandala together. Following Major General Xu Luo's order, thousands of arrows were fired. The mutant mandala seemed to know their intentions, and branches grew from the trunk to intercept them. Stopping the bullet, the branch was hit, and there was an explosion sound, and the bright red blood-like juice splashed. It accidentally touched the back of the hand, causing burning pain, and the skin seemed to be corroded.

The branches twisted wildly, and the flower buds could not bear the weight, and one by one fell down. They opened their eyes, and their eyes seemed to be covered with a layer of gray and dim. They got up from the ground, and then shook their heads. They staggered up, their movements changing from stiff at first to becoming more and more flexible. Finally, they started running and were in front of them in the blink of an eye. If everyone hadn't been on guard, they might have panicked like yesterday.

Xiang Nanchuan was now convinced that the mutant Mandala must be related to the group of people who assassinated him, but what he couldn't figure out was that after the end of the world, animals and plants had mutated. This mountain was so close to Tianyang's base. Why was this mutated datura only discovered now? And this news came from the St. Anns Church Newspaper.

Hu Man released branches to stop these irrational survivors. He only held on for a few seconds before the other party used wind blades to cut off the branches. Fortunately, after they were unconscious, they were not very skilled in using their powers. The pressure is not too great.

Xiang Nanchuan turned around and shouted, "Stay back." As he said that, he looked at Chi Yan.

Chi Yan met his eyes and nodded invisibly. The two of them rushed forward at the same time. Chi Yan smashed the flames in his palms with his hand and turned into fire trees and silver flowers. The sky was filled with fire rain and fell down, "Bang bang bang bang." "The explosion sounded, and the moment he rushed in front of the mutated mandala, Xiang Nanchuan seemed to hear the howl of the mutated mandala when it was in extreme pain.

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