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"I Open a Supermarket in the End of the World" by: Night is Cool Like Water

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He committed suicide by slitting his wrists.
  Probably the entrance to the cellar was too secret, and no one could find it for so long, which ultimately gave Zhong Hesheng an advantage.
  Zhong Hesheng took out a blanket from his backpack and wrapped it around Zhong Yao, leaving only his round head exposed. Zhong Hesheng looked at Zhong Yao's pale face, silently in a daze.
  "Jie Jie——" An eagle's cry pierced the sky, and Zhong Hesheng looked out the window warily.
  The giant eagle flapped its wings, swooped down, and landed quickly on the lawn. The young man in a white robe landed on the back of the giant eagle, floating like light feathers.
  The young man was covered in hazy holy light and walked up to Zhong Hesheng. The corners of his lips curved perfectly, "Zhong Hesheng."
  Even though he had never met him, Zhong Hesheng could still recognize the identity of the person in front of him from the description he heard.
  Zhong Hesheng sneered, "How could Zhong be so capable, let Elder Su come and deal with him personally."
  "Let me take a look at our little holy boy." Su Anzhe took a closer look at Zhong Yao who was wrapped in a blanket, "Yo? Why did he become like this? What does he look like?"
  Zhong Hesheng was extremely disgusted with the hypocrisy on his face. If it hadn't been for people like St. An's Cult, his youngest son would not have ended up like this.
  "Do you want to know how Zhong Yao went to Xizhou?" Su Anzhe chuckled, "I sent him there, and I hid it from him so that he wouldn't see the missing person information you released." "Why are you
  doing this? ?!" Zhong Hesheng couldn't help but asked sharply.
  "Of course it's for..." Su Anzhe's smile instantly faded, and he suddenly said to himself, "For what? Oh, because I made a bet with that stupid fool, who can win..." "
  But... It's almost time to reveal the results..." The haze in Su Anzhe's eyes flashed away.
  The words that followed were so soft that they were almost inaudible. Zhong Hesheng, who had a keen sense of hearing, managed to catch a rough idea. He took a deep breath, suppressed the anger in his heart, and asked, "You haven't told me yet, why did you take Zhong Yao to the God's Realm?" "
  Because?" If we don't bring him to God's Realm, he will die." Su Anzhe said in a brisk tone, "Those guys in Edwin's laboratory like this kind of experimental subjects the most." "
  If it weren't for me, you wouldn't be able to see him." Su Anzhe said Holding his chin, "Well... although he is now... Xiang Nanchuan has shown mercy. At least the little holy boy is still alive."
  Su Anzhe's so-called "mercy" made Zhong Hesheng feel extremely ironic, "Where is my wife?"
  Su Anzhe Suddenly, he gave a high-five, "By the way, I came here to inform you that on November 1st, in God's Domain, I have a surprise for you. I hope you like it. See you soon!" "
  Wait!" Zhong Hesheng stretched out his hand to stop Su Anzhe. , but after Su Anzhe said the last sentence, his body turned into a shadow, leaving a little fluorescent light.
  Zhong Hesheng rushed out of the door and threw out a wind blade. At this time, Su Anzhe had jumped on the back of the giant eagle, and the giant eagle flapped its wings and flew into the endless night sky.
  Only one brown feather fell off from the giant eagle's wing and fell down leisurely.
  Zhong Hesheng caught the feather and tightened it tightly, November 1st, God's Realm.
  There is still half a month left.
  The reconstruction work in Xizhou has just begun, and the desolate city walls need to be torn down and rebuilt.
  The patrol team went door to door to check if any zombies had sneaked into the base. After all, the situation was too chaotic at the time, and it was impossible to guarantee that no zombies would take advantage of the chaos to break into the base.
  Although there is a zombie boss, the chance of this happening is very low.
  Taking advantage of the opportunity, Chi Yan pulled out all the eyeliners hidden by the Sheng'an Sect in the base.
  In addition to these, there are also condolences work for the victims.
  Fifty-four people with superpowers and 1,016 ordinary people died this time. Their rewards were distributed as usual, plus three times the pension. Those with relatives will be given to relatives, and those with no relatives will be donated to the nursery.
  Chi Yan asked people to erect a monument in the center of the base and engraved the names of the victims on the monument for future generations to remember.
  They should not and cannot be forgotten.
  Xizhou is currently in an embarrassing situation. Xizhou has no capable people available. Chen Chong is quite capable, but he has no superpowers and cannot suppress those with superpowers. As for Qin Han's superpower level, I'm afraid the veteran players in Xizhou will disobey his management.
  This is quite difficult.
  Chi Yan simply promoted Chen Chong and Qin Han at the same time and took them with him to let them learn how to manage the base. After a period of time, they completely let go.
  If when they come back, these two people still can't learn to check and balance and manage things in the base well, then Chi Yan will hand the base back to Beicheng.
  After arranging everything, he, Xiang Nanchuan, Hu Man and others prepared to go to God's Domain.
  Before leaving, Xiang Nanchuan contacted Kuang Hefeng, whom he had met once before at the northwest base, and asked him to lead the way.
  Mr. Chi learned that they were going to the Divine Realm and told them that if they went to the Divine Realm, they could contact his old subordinates. Chi Tianzong had saved his life and was a person he could trust.
  Chi Yan responded calmly. His feelings for Chi Tianzong were very complicated. After all, they were flesh and blood relatives. But every time he got close, he would be reminded of his father's death.

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