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Before setting off, Xiang Nanchuan looked at the grown men carrying colorful women's bags. The funny looks made people want to laugh, but he also thought that he was also carrying a women's backpack and was no better than them. He The corners of his mouth suddenly drooped.

The closer they got to the intersection, the more cautious everyone became. They carefully climbed over the car blocking the intersection. As soon as they jumped out of the car, a survivor said "ah" and then jumped up in panic. He pointed at his feet with a sad face, "Captain, there are zombies!"

It turned out to be a zombie with broken legs, lying under the vehicle. The survivor said that he accidentally jumped in front of the zombie and was grabbed by the ankle. Fortunately, it was cold and the man was wearing velvet autumn clothes. pants and was not scratched.

Xiang Nanchuan held up a shovel, went down with it, and flattened the zombie's head. Xiang Nanchuan rubbed his wrist and said, "1314, I seem to have gotten a little stronger." Since the zombies evolved, he was not as relaxed as before when facing zombies. However, when he was fighting zombies yesterday, he noticed that his strength seemed to have increased. He originally had slight myopia and could barely differentiate between men and women from a distance of a hundred meters, but after awakening his powers, he could clearly see even ants ten meters away.

The system replied: "It's normal. The physical fitness of people with superpowers is better than that of ordinary people."

Chi Yan turned around and said, "Don't stop, go quickly."

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw several zombies walking out of the shopping mall. They turned around stiffly, as if they had smelled their breath and were heading this way.

Xiang Nanchuan and others quickly followed and walked towards Changsheng Street.

The few zombies wandering on the roadside were all taken care of by Chi Yan in front of them.

Xiang Nanchuan felt strange, "Why didn't those people from the shopping mall go to Jinghua Community?" Since they had cleaned up the zombies on Changsheng Street, there was no way they would have spared Jinghua Community, and people from Jinghua Community should have come out to collect supplies, right? , but they didn't see a single survivor along the way, which was too suspicious.

Xiang Nanchuan didn't feel in danger like the previous times. There shouldn't be any big problems in this operation. He still took out a few crystal nuclei from his pocket and held them in his hand. He closed his eyes, and the road ahead became clear. He saw the entrance of Jinghua Community and went up the high steps. The gate of the community was grand and grand, and there was nothing unusual about it. Just when Xiang Nanchuan was about to retreat, he suddenly heard A dog barked.

Dog barking?

Xiang Nanchuan wanted to go back and take a closer look, but his brain suddenly became dizzy and his eyesight turned black.

"Xiang Nanchuan?" Chi Yan held his shoulder, "What happened? Are you okay?"

Xiang Nanchuan shook his head and leaned against Chi Yan weakly. "It's okay. I overused my powers. Let me lean on you for a while."

Chi Yan had a sullen face. He stuffed a few crystal cores into Xiang Nanchuan's hand and warned, "Don't overdo anything."

Mudong noticed the situation here and walked over quietly. He looked extremely worried, "Manager, you look very bad. How about I..." In view of the presence of outsiders, he did not continue what he said.

Xiang Nanchuan breathed out, "It's okay, keep walking. Jinghua Community is a hundred meters ahead."

When they walked to Jinghua Community, a wooden thorn suddenly hit everyone's feet. Xiang Nanchuan frowned and said, "There is someone inside." He was also a person with super powers.

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