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"I Open a Supermarket in the End of the World" by: Night is Cool Like Water

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  The two approached the entrance of the cave.
  After a while, everyone found that the zombies receded like a tide, and there were only third- and fourth-level zombies left near the city gate. They were not many in number, but equally terrifying, because from the beginning to the end, these zombies never made a move. Passed.
  Chi Shan's face was so pale that she looked as if she could faint at any time, and she couldn't stand still. Chen Chong hesitated for a moment, stretched out his hand to hold Chi Shan's shoulders, "Are you okay? "
  Chi Shan couldn't speak. She gave a weak smile.
  Chen Chong asked others to get a bottle of energy drink, unscrewed the cap, and brought the bottle mouth to Chi Shan.
  Chi Shan paused, opened his mouth and drank. .
  In fact, Chi Shan knew very well that she was not a superpower and could not be restored with energy drinks.
  Chi Shan also doubted what she was. On the day the apocalypse broke out, she was actually scratched by a zombie. The zombie was the nanny at home. The apocalypse came too suddenly, and she was scratched by the other party without taking precautions.
  However, after being scratched, she was neither infected with the zombie virus nor turned into a superpower.
  At first, Chi Shan didn't think too much. He was killed by Sister Zhao. She was well protected. Until the night before the turmoil broke out in Beicheng, a zombie appeared on Yihe East Road, which was originally very safe. She was so scared that she thought to herself, let this zombie run away quickly and don't come close. This zombie is really... Didn't come over.
  Then Chi Shan saw the bricks on the ground and thought again, asking the zombies to pick up the bricks and hit her, and the zombies really did it.
  She tried several times, and no matter what she wanted the zombies to do, the zombies would do it. Do it.
  At that time, Chi Shan was so frightened that she broke into a cold sweat. It was unheard of for someone like her to control zombies. He was too scared. She was afraid of being discovered by others and sent her to the laboratory for slices.
  Chi Shan closed her eyes and smiled bitterly in her heart. She didn't Knowing that he is nothing like this, maybe he is not even a human being.
  Because of the appearance of Chi Shan, the situation at the south city gate has improved. However, the remaining third and fourth level zombies cannot be underestimated. The battle at the south city gate is still going on... ...
  Half an hour ago, Chi Yan returned to the North City Wall and asked Nanchuan, "What does Xiaoshan want from you? "
  Chi Yan was silent for a moment and suddenly said, "Zhong Yao can't stay. Xiang Nanchuan's face was slightly cold, "
  Are you sure it was him?" "
  " Eighty to ninety percent chance. "
  Chi Yan said it was 80% to 90% confirmed. It was this bastard who summoned the zombies.
  "Over there with Zhong Hesheng..." Xiang Nanchuan gritted his teeth and paused, "I'll go talk to him. "
  I don't know whether it was to avoid suspicion or something, but this time Chi Yan did not arrange for Zhong Hesheng to go to any city gate, but left him in the office building.
  When Xiang Nanchuan arrived at the office building, it was completely dark, and there were usually people coming and going. There was no one in the office building at this time.
  The whole office building was dark and it was hard to see out of hand. Xiang Nanchuan relied on the super five senses of the superpower to successfully find Zhong Hesheng's office. He knew that Zhong Hesheng was inside.
  There was a fire inside . As the lights went off, a burst of smoke wafted out. Xiang Nanchuan touched the switch and turned on the light. There was smoke inside, and cigarette butts on the ground.
  Probably because the light was too dazzling, Zhong Hesheng's eyes narrowed due to the glare, and he coughed violently for a long time. , he pinched off the cigarette butt and said in a hoarse voice: "Store manager. "
  "You should know why I came to you this time. "Xiang Nanchuan looked at him condescendingly.
  Zhong Hesheng looked downcast. After a long time, he nodded.
  Xiang Nanchuan had a sullen face and asked, "Let me ask you, do you know what Zhong Yao did? ! "
  When the zombie wave appeared, Chi Yan had doubted Zhong Yao. Zhong Hesheng said it was impossible, but after he went back, he went to the room to see Zhong Yao.
  Zhong Yao was lying on the bed, his face as white as if he had died.
  That Zhong Hesheng Sheng immediately understood what Zhong Yao had done. The
  zombie wave was brought here by Zhong Yao!
  Zhong Hesheng pretended not to know anything, pretended not to see Zhong Yao's eyes that looked like hatred, and quickly closed the door. He didn't dare to say , he knew that once the captain found out that it was Zhong Yao who caused the zombie wave, they would kill Zhong Yao without hesitation.
  Xiang Nanchuan said coldly: "Do you know how many superpowers Xizhou has lost in the past few days? Volunteer? They are all living lives, but because of your selfishness, they died in vain! ! ! "
  Some of them you know, some have given you food, and some are teenagers... Zhong Hesheng, as long as you have any conscience, you can't just watch them die!" "
  Zhong Hesheng collapsed on the ground, covering his face and crying silently, "Store manager, please, please stop talking.
  "Zhong Hesheng, you leave Xizhou immediately. " Xiang Nanchuan turned and left.
  Zhong Hesheng was left alone in the office. Xiang Nanchuan's words before leaving echoed in his ears, "Never come back. If you let me see you again, I will kill you with my own hands." "
  Zhong Hesheng knelt on the ground and kowtowed heavily in the direction Nanchuan left. Store manager and captain, I'm sorry for your kindness. I will repay you in the next life.
  Zhong Hesheng returned home quickly. The moment he opened the door, he became timid. . He opened the door and saw Zhong Yao still lying on the bed, his chest rising and falling slightly, but fortunately he was still breathing. Zhong Hesheng's legs went weak and he fell beside the bed. He shouted softly: "Yao'er, Yao'er? "
  Zhong Yao fell asleep quietly without any reaction.

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