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"I Open a Supermarket in the End of the World" by: Night is Cool Like Water

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It's hard to imagine how Xiao Yao survived alone, and how miserable he must have been in the past two years.
  Seeing that Zhong Yao no longer resisted his embrace, Zhong Hesheng quickly hugged Zhong Yao.
  Zhong Yao looked panicked, Zhong Hesheng patted Zhong Yao's back gently, as he had done countless times in the past, "Don't be afraid, little one, daddy will take you home?"
  However, Zhong Yao heard this. In a word, hatred flashed in his eyes, home? This is not my home!
  Zhong Hesheng brought Zhong Yao back to Qingping Street. In less than half a day, the news that Zhong Hesheng had a son spread throughout Qingping Street. Familiar people, such as Qin Han and Fatty, rushed back to watch even if they had left the base. Zhong He gave birth to his son, and even Cheng Baiyu, who had just recovered from his injury, went to join in the fun.
  When Chi Yan received the news, his first reaction was to be happy for Zhong Hesheng. In the past two years, their people had visited numerous bases and made inquiries, but there was no news about Zhong Huaiqing.
  Because of Zhong Hesheng's special status, apart from Chi Yan and Xiang Nanchuan's unshakable positions in Xizhou, Zhong Hesheng's third position probably belongs to him. Therefore, they should not go searching for people in a big way, lest they be discovered by the Sheng'an Cult and find Zhong Hesheng's wife and children first to threaten them.
  After two years, there was no trace. Everyone tended to believe that Zhong Hesheng's wife and children had passed away. Unexpectedly, two years had passed and Zhong Huaiqing himself appeared in Xizhou.
  "Has Zhong Huaiqing's identity been confirmed? Did he say how he came to Xizhou?"
  "Yes, he is Brother Zhong's son. He said he had been wandering in various bases before. Half a month ago, he heard that Xizhou was targeting ordinary people. The treatment is good, so I came here with the caravan. I just arrived in Xizhou two days ago." Qianling continued, "I checked this caravan and what the kid said is correct."
  Chi Yanshen%e5%90 %9fFor a moment, "That's it, there's no need to check it out for the time being."
  After all, he was the one who left Zhong Hesheng in Xizhou. Zhong Hesheng's wife and children have never been found. Chi Yan also has regrets in his heart. He finally found Zhong Huaiqing yesterday. , even if there are doubts in his heart, Chi Yan does not want to be separated from Zhong He.
  Because after everything is over, he will leave here with Xiang Nanchuan, so sooner or later, he will hand over the management of Xizhou Base to Zhong Hesheng.
  Thinking of Xiang Nanchuan, Chi Yan couldn't hide his tenderness. In two days, he should be able to return to Xizhou, right?
  Chi Yan held the phone tightly and never said the words about longing.
  In the past few days, Xiang Nanchuan and the others had been traveling day and night. The further they got to Xizhou, the worse the premonition became for Xiang Nanchuan. They were still two hundred kilometers away from Xizhou, and Xiang Nanchuan looked so pale that he seemed likely to collapse at any time.
  200 kilometers is not far. If it took two or three hours to drive there before, now it still takes a day and a night.
  This section of the road is not easy to walk. There are abandoned vehicles everywhere on the road, and the branches and vines of trees spread from both sides of the road to the middle of the road. Xiang Nanchuan originally didn't want to take this long-abandoned road. He made a temporary decision because he "saw" Chi Yan at the end of the road.
  Xiang Nanchuan and the others were undoubtedly lucky, because after staying at Huai Shui Base for a few more days, they missed Aina and others. The road was calm and there were very few zombies. It was so calm that Xiang Nanchuan was a little uneasy.
  Therefore, he kept using his powers to "predict". His nerves were always tense, and the closer he got to Xizhou, the less he dared to take it lightly.
  He knows that narrow roads will eventually lead to each other.
  On the forked road, Xiang Nanchuan used his power to "foresee" for the last time. He was not sure whether this road was safe or not. He saw Chi Yan running towards him on this road...
  Xiang Nanchuan was in a trance and walked. As he stood, he realized that the people around him had disappeared. He looked back and saw Gao Sen and the others looking at him with complicated expressions.
  "Why don't you leave yet?" Xiang Nanchuan stretched out his green and white fingers, pointed at the fork in the road, and said with a bright smile, "Xizhou is ahead, let's go home quickly."
  Qiao Xuan had a worried look on his face . , "Manager, why don't we take a rest where we are, we're tired."
  "Yes, yes!" Gao Hu nodded like he was pecking at rice, for fear that Xiang Nanchuan would disagree, "But we'll be here soon, and we won't either. I'm in a hurry right now. Let's eat first and have the strength before leaving."
  Others also echoed, "Store manager, take a rest first. You look a little bad. The captain will be unhappy when he sees you later."
  Of course, the Chi family was a little unhappy . I understand why Xiang Nanchuan looks bad and Chi Yan is unhappy, but it is not the question to pursue this now. The most important thing is that Xiang Nanchuan has a problem.
  Everyone thought Xiang Nanchuan was "crazy".
  At first, everyone didn't realize it because Xiang Nanchuan's behavior was normal, but gradually, the attentive Qiao Xuan noticed that Xiang Nanchuan had never slept, and Xiang Nanchuan's eyes were always open when he took turns to rest at night.
  In the first few days, Qiao Xuan thought that Xiang Nanchuan was just too vigilant. Later, he discovered that Xiang Nanchuan often talked to himself, his bright eyes gradually lost their sparkle, and he was in a trance. His temper was a bit grumpy, and he didn't like to talk to others anymore. Only when I send messages to Chi Yan will I smile.
  How weird, everyone thought at the same time.
  But there was no doctor in the team, and they had no idea what had caused Xiang Nanchuan's change. To prevent another accident, everyone decided to speed up the trip.

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