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"I Open a Supermarket in the End of the World" by: Night is Cool Like Water

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Jing became suspicious, and he came up with some kind of guess...
  Another beast rushed forward, and Xu Yuan's heart ignited hope. This time, the beast fell to the ground silently. No one except Xu Yuan noticed that the back of its head appeared. A bloody hole as big as a palm. Xu Yuan secretly looked forward to it and shouted into the air: "Store manager, is it you?"
  Xiang Nanchuan put away the crystal core gun, approached Xu Yuan and whispered softly: "Don't scream, it's me."
  Hearing this, Xu Yuan looked carefully at first He looked around and nodded invisibly.
  "Can you walk by yourself?" Xiang Nanchuan did not help Xu Yuan. Su Anzhe on the steps had not made any move, but Xiang Nanchuan could not let go of his vigilance against him. This man was too dangerous.
  Xu Yuan used his hands and feet to get up with difficulty.
  At this time, the mobile phone in his trouser pocket vibrated, and Xiang Nanchuan knew that Cheng Baiyu had found someone.
  No longer worried, Xiang Nanchuan immediately pulled
  Xu Yuan up and said, "Let's go." The door fell down with a crash, and a tall figure appeared behind the door. Xiang Nanchuan subconsciously looked over. In the dust flying all over the sky, a pair of crimson eyes loomed, looking towards Xiang Nanchuan. Nanchuan was dumbfounded. How did this guy find himself here?
  Since there are more and more survivors in Xizhou, the existence of spiritual zombies has become an unspeakable secret. Also because the zombie boss feels that there are too many people, he has become more and more elusive. Except for walking around in the base in the middle of the night, no one else is around at all the rest of the time. I couldn't see it, and Xiang Nanchuan hadn't seen it in several months. When I asked about it by chance, I heard from Zhong Hesheng that this zombie ran away a few months ago, and I don't know where it went. It's still there now. Didn't come back.
  Who would have thought that this stroll would end up near Beicheng, thousands of kilometers away.
  The mental zombie ignored the unkind looks from hundreds of people and walked in. It was probably because he was so clean that no one doubted his identity as a zombie.
  Although Xiang Nanchuan was curious about how it came here, now was not the time to reminisce about old times. While the mental zombies drew everyone's attention, Xiang Nanchuan took Xu Yuan with him, preparing to meet Cheng Baiyu and the others.

Chapter 96
  Xiang Nanchuan helped Xu Yuan down the steps, and suddenly felt a wave of energy around him. He looked back thoughtfully, and saw that the redness in the eyes of the giant beast gradually faded, and its pupils collapsed. It was already on the verge of death. sign.
  Then Xiang Nanchuan was stunned. He seemed to see a middle-aged man with a sincere smile, and he bowed to him with gratitude in his smile.
  When he took a closer look, the shadow had disappeared, as if the scene he just saw was just an illusion.
  But Xiang Nanchuan was almost certain, and a voice in his heart told him that this was true. In this world, only the eyes would not lie to him.
  The appearance of the zombie boss was like a pebble thrown into a calm lake, causing panic among the dungeon survivors who had long indulged in extravagance. Just as Xiang Nanchuan successfully took Xu Yuan out of the Colosseum, Xiang Nanchuan received another message from Cheng Baiyu. Information.
  Due to the riot caused by the zombie boss, the entire dungeon was on alert, and all the ways out were blocked. In addition, everyone's powers were also imprisoned by chains. Cheng Baiyu could not take them all out alone. Cheng Baiyu gave Send a distress message to Nanchuan.
  Xiang Nanchuan held the mobile phone in one hand and quickly replied, "Find a safe place to hide and wait for me to come over."
  It may be that the survivors in the underground city have been comfortable for too long. Without zombies and food crisis, it is easy for people to lose They are so vigilant that the slightest disturbance can cause them to panic.
  Thanks to the many props I have accumulated over the past six months, and these invisibility potions have no cooling time, the only disadvantage is that if used too many times, the body will gradually become weak and weak. It is no problem to control the dosage within 3 pills a day.
  The two of them traveled unimpeded and met up with Cheng Baiyu and the others.
  There were more than a dozen team members rescued. They were imprisoned for several days and tortured and interrogated. Everyone was in a bad mental state. It was not until they saw Xiang Nanchuan that they felt like they had taken a reassurance and their tense nerves were relieved a lot.
  There is a big difference in the number of people...
  Xiang Nanchuan bowed slightly to them and said solemnly: "I'm here to take you back. Thank you for your efforts. On behalf of Xizhou, thank you for your hard work." The
  skinny Gao Sen's eyes were slightly red, he He said in a harsh voice: "Store manager, I'm sorry, I failed to protect them, and Zhang Fan and Tang Sheng have rebelled. You must be careful when you meet these two!"
  As Gao Sen's words fell, everyone moved away and leaned against each other. Some people by the wall.
  Those people had lost their breath...
  Xiang Nanchuan took a slow breath and said, "I understand, take their bodies with you and let's go back to Xizhou."
  These people originally followed them from Xizhou to Beicheng, and because of the needs of the base, Voluntarily staying in Beicheng, Xiang Nanchuan would not let them be buried here alone no matter what.

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