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"I Open a Supermarket in the End of the World" by: Night is Cool Like Water

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Xiang Nanchuan trembled all over and couldn't help but feel angry, "What are you doing?"
  Chi Yan whispered against his neck: "Why are you always staring at that waiter? Is he so good-looking?"
  Xiang Nanchuan was speechless, and he just said He asked why Chi Yan was so weird tonight. It took him a while to realize that he was jealous. This guy was usually as silent as a sawed-off gourd, but he was completely different when he was drunk.
  Seeing Xiang Nanchuan's silence, Chi Yan thought Xiang Nanchuan had acquiesced and bit his neck with dissatisfaction.
  Xiang Nanchuan took a sharp breath, covered his neck and compromised, "Not as good-looking as you."
  "Xiang Nanchuan, I like you, I like you very much..." Chi Yan murmured.
  Xiang Nanchuan's heart was so soft that he inserted his fingers into his thick hair and stroked his slightly hard roots with a smile on his lips, "Yeah, I know." "Have
  you thought about it?"
  Xiang Nanchuan closed his eyes. He opened his eyes again and said, "I don't know when I will leave. I can't guarantee it. Do you still want to be with me?" Chi Yan's hand suddenly tightened, and his tone revealed a hint of nervousness, "   Where
  are you going?"
Nanchuan raised his eyebrows, "Are you not drunk?"
  Chi Yan's eyes averted, "I can't drink well, so I woke up when I heard you said you were leaving."
  In fact, Chi Yan was indeed a little drunk, but not to the point of being unconscious. He clearly knew what he was doing. He could feel that Xiang Nanchuan also had feelings for him, but he was worried about something. If he didn't take the opportunity to add fuel to the fire, Xiang Nanchuan would definitely not give him an answer. Before he tried it, When it came to the taste of Xiang Nanchuan, he could still restrain his desire, but once he tasted this bone-crushingly sweet taste, he couldn't wait any longer.
  "Where are you going?" Chi Yan asked.
  Xiang Nanchuan said vaguely: "Go back to where I should go."
  "Do you have to go?"
  "My parents, all my friends are there." Xiang Nanchuan's eyes were slightly astringent, and he lowered his head, not daring to go any further. Go to see Chi Yan, "I'm sorry, I have to go back."
  Chi Yan sighed and rested his chin on Xiang Nanchuan's head, "Then when you leave, remember to take me with you."
  Xiang Nanchuan:? ? ?
  He thought that after the conversation started, Chi Yan would imprison him crazily and not let him go, or beg him to stay. Unexpectedly, Chi Yan was uneasy and walked towards Nanchuan in confusion for a moment, and said vaguely: " I don’t know if I can take you with me. Let me ask what you mean..."
  Without waiting to ask Nanchuan, the system took the initiative and said: "Because the company does not have such a front line, I need to report to the higher ups."
  The system did not directly Negative, even if the possibility was slim, Xiang Nanchuan couldn't help but hope in his heart. He pretended to be relaxed and said: "1314, weren't you peeking just now?" The
  system immediately retorted: "I didn't Peeping, I'm just worried that the store manager will say something he shouldn't say. In order to protect the store manager's privacy, I will automatically block any description that involves the neck below."
  That's good, Xiang Nanchuan doesn't want to have a guy while doing exercises on the bed. The system observed secretly.
  As soon as the idea came up, Xiang Nanchuan couldn't help but feel embarrassed. He hadn't agreed to Chi Yan yet, so why did he think of that kind of thing? Although he was a foodie, was he that hungry and thirsty?
  Xiang Nanchuan deeply despised his dirty thoughts. When he was done, he raised his head to meet Chi Yan's earnest eyes. Xiang Nanchuan sighed and said, "I'm not sure yet. I have to wait for the reply from above." Chi
  Yan lowered his head and whispered%e5%90%bb Touching his lips, he said with a sigh: "Even if you go to heaven or to earth, I will go with you."
  Xiang Nanchuan smiled bitterly in his heart. If he went to heaven and earth, he wouldn't be in such a dilemma. They are separated by two time and space. distance.
  Chi Yan kissed Xiang Nanchuan's eyes, "Don't be afraid, I will accompany you."
  Xiang Nanchuan's butterfly-wing eyelashes trembled slightly. During this relationship, Chi Yan took ninety-nine steps for him, but he But he never had the courage to take a step forward, and he kept hanging on to her, which was too scumbag. After a long time, he said hoarsely: "Okay."
  Are we together like this? Until Chi Yan took him to bed, the two of them were nestled in bed, Xiang Nanchuan looked in a daze, still feeling a little unreal.

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