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How could Late Winter appear here? What about Xiang Nanchuan?

Qin Han and Mu Dong met once and quickly recognized each other. At this time, something seemed to be chasing Mu Dong. If he didn't rescue him, Mu Dong might not be able to survive for long. He asked Chi Yan for instructions with his eyes.

Chi Yan raised his hand, signaling that they were ready to take action.

Everyone leaned down and slowly approached in the direction of Mudong. The lush branches and leaves of the mutated mandala obscured their figures. The vines seemed to be afraid of Chiyan's fire. At this time, the mandala flowers were closed. Everyone could not smell the fragrance of the flowers, and they were no longer restrained. They shuttled through the jungle quickly, especially Hu Man, the wood type superpower. After entering the mountain, He was as comfortable as a fish in water. If Qin Han hadn't been holding his arm, he would have run away.

After approaching Mu Dong, everyone saw that there was a man chasing Mu Dong. The man's face was covered with blood, and his glasses hung crookedly on the bridge of his nose. He raised his gun and fired at Mu Dong. The man with the glasses looked crazy, as if he was trapped. He was so stunned that his hands shook so much when he aimed, causing several shots to miss. He was about to catch up with Mu Dong.

Chi Yan glanced at Hu Man. Hu Man made an "ok" gesture, and a branch grew out of his hand. The branch spread over, and then Mudong pulled hard. The man with glasses tripped over the branch and fell headfirst to the ground. He fell to the ground, and the glasses on the bridge of his nose were also broken.

Mu Dong turned around and saw Hu Man. He was overjoyed as if he had survived a disaster, "Xiao Man?!"

But this was not the time to reminisce about old times. The man with glasses got up, his face twisted, as if he hadn't noticed Hu Man. He raised his gun towards Mu Dong and shouted incoherently: "Bitch, you betrayed me, You deserve to die!"

Mudong bit his lower lip and retreated calmly.

Hu Man hurriedly swung the branch. The branch was as flexible as a living thing. Following Hu Man's movements, the branch circled around the man with glasses and tied his hands and feet.

The man with glasses was very strong. He struggled violently and broke several branches. Hu Man then wrapped a few more branches around him and tied him tightly.

After dealing with the man with glasses, Chi Yan and the others walked out.

Mu Dong was surprised: "Captain, why are you here?"

Because so many things happened in the past few days, Xiang Nanchuan forgot to tell them that Chi Yan was coming over, so Mudong and the others were so surprised when they saw Chi Yan.

As soon as he finished speaking, Chi Yan asked, "Where is Xiang Nanchuan?"

Mentioning Xiang Nanchuan, Mu Dong couldn't help but become anxious, "As soon as we entered the mountain, we met a group of crazy people. We were scattered by them. I don't know what happened to the store manager and the others now?"

"Take us to the place where you dispersed." Chi Yan said decisively.

The man with glasses glared at Mu Dong resentfully and repeated: "Bitch, bitch..."

The bespectacled man probably inhaled too much of the mutated Datura flower fragrance and was hallucinating. He thought Mu Dong was the one who betrayed him, so he chased him all the way.

Everyone ignored the man with glasses and walked in the direction Mudong pointed.

Fearing Chiyan's fire, all the mutated mandalas retreated around them, opening a path for them.

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