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"I Open a Supermarket in the End of the World" by: Night is Cool Like Water

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and. evening. group. Fight. Read. Chia.
  After that, Chi Yan still spent a lot of effort to cover up what happened that night.
  The matter of Yunyan has come to an end for now. As the legendary supermarket becomes famous, the supermarket business is getting better and better. The population of Beicheng exceeds Xiang Nanchuan's imagination. The reputation value is accumulated quickly. In just one month, Xiang Nanchuan has accumulated enough reputation value. The supermarket was expanded once more, and finally the system determined that the fifth branch could be opened in Beicheng.
  The big bosses above have sent messages more than once, but they were all blocked by Chi Yan. Xiang Nanchuan also thought it would be better not to see him. Before he came to this world, he was just an ordinary person, and he always showed awe to the country's leaders. Maybe when they meet, they will agree to the other party's request unconditionally.
  After Xiang Nanchuan prepared to open five stores in Beicheng, they went back to Xizhou. On this trip, they needed to bypass Tianyang Base. Now Tianyang Base has been controlled by the illegal traveler alliance. They offended people severely at Tianyang Base. Their visit to Tianyang Base is no less than sheep in a wolf's den.
  I just happened to stop by to check out other bases. If there are any good ones, I'll open a branch there.
  The Chi family has not been at peace recently. Since Chi Yan returned to Beicheng, the development of the situation has become increasingly unclear. Chi Yan has made no secret of his ambitions. As soon as he arrived in Beicheng, he "recruited troops" and won over many dissidents. With ability, just one month has passed, and the Red Flame Team has been promoted to a B-level team.
  The team's points were earned by Chi Yan who personally led the team and took on many S-level missions that the team did not dare to take on. He fought for them with his life and the origin was fair and honest. Everyone only dared to say a few sour words in their hearts.
  In the eyes of the big guys, this Chi Yan is by no means an easy person. If he can't be nipped in the bud, it's best to make friends with him. It's best to win him over. For a while, many big guys are willing to marry the Chi family.
  Chi Zhonghai was so worried that a lot of his hair fell out. If he could be Chi Yan's master, there would be no need for him to be so melancholy.
  All the assets of the company under Chi Yan's name were donated by the Chi family in exchange for Chi Zhonghai's position in the military. So much so that Chi Zhonghai inevitably felt guilty in front of Chi Yan. He didn't even dare to interrupt the supermarket they opened. Just leave the problem to the old man and go directly to the military headquarters.
  Mr. Chi snorted coldly, "Chi Shan, go and call Chi Yan back."
  Chi Shan bit her lower lip and did not dare to disobey the old man. She took Sister Zhao out and ran straight to Chi Yan's small villa.
  When she arrived at the small villa and found that no one was there, Chi Shan made a sad face and went to the supermarket in Nanchuan again.
  The people from the Red Flame team were very familiar with Chi Shan. They saw Chi Shan wandering near the supermarket and came over to ask her, "Are you looking for the captain? The captain just had something to do and left the base."
  Chi Shan breathed a sigh of relief and stamped her feet. He stamped his feet that were almost stiff from the cold, "Grandpa asked me to come over and ask Brother Yan to go back." "
  I made a note of it. When the captain comes back, I will tell him for you."
  Chi Shan pursed her lips and smiled, " I'm sorry to bother you."
  Chi Shan returned home slowly and was scolded by Mr. Chi again. Xu Wanling brought out the tea, "Dad, don't be angry. Has Shanshan made you unhappy again? Shanshan, please apologize to grandpa quickly."
  Chi Shan lowered her head, "I'm sorry, grandpa, I was wrong."
  Looking coldly at Chi Shan's wilted and cowardly look, Chi Tianzong was furious. He waved and said, "Okay! Don't be an eyesore here."
  Chi Shan rolled away.
  Back in the room, Chi Shan lay on the bed and couldn't help but sigh. Grandpa's temper has become more and more irritable recently, and his father is often away from home. The atmosphere at home is too depressing. He really wants to leave here and go back to his previous home.
  The door rang twice. Chi Shan got up from the bed and sat upright. "Come in."
  Xu Wanling opened the door. After entering, she closed the door again. She sat beside Chi Shan's bed and looked at Feeling a little restless, she asked tentatively for a long time: "Shanshan, why did you make your grandpa angry?"
  Chi Shan scratched her hair, "Grandpa asked me to come back to Brother Yan. When I arrived, Yan Brother has already left the city, and grandpa didn't see Brother Yan, so he lost his temper at me." Chi Shan couldn't help complaining, "It's so annoying, I didn't do anything wrong, Mom, why do you want me to apologize?"
  Xu Wanling touched it Touching Chi Shan's hair, "Your grandpa is getting older, so you should give him some time." Xu Wanling pretended to be casual and asked, "By the way, why did your grandpa ask Chi Yan to come back?"
  Chi Shan covered her mouth and snickered, " Grandpa asked Brother Yan to come back for a blind date. I heard that many uncles and uncles have taken a fancy to Brother Yan and want him to be their son-in-law."
  Thinking of something, Chi Shan frowned, "Brother Yan will definitely not like Grandpa's arrangement. When the time comes, Grandpa is going to be angry again."
  Xu Wanling asked curiously: "Does Chi Yan have someone he likes?"
  "Probably not." Chi Shan was unsure, "There are all men in Brother Yan's team. If there is someone he likes, People will definitely be brought back."
  "Then what do you think of your cousin Zhiyin?"
  Chi Shan was surprised, "Mom, you don't want to introduce cousin Zhiyin to Brother Yan, right?"
  The Zhiyin in Xu Wanling's mouth is her The niece is only one year older than Chi Shan and is only nineteen years old this year. Chi Shan shook her head, "Mom, don't think about it. Sister Zhiyin hasn't reached the legal age for marriage yet."
  Xu Wanling choked, this silly girl, "Who cares about whether she has reached the legal age for marriage or not? Chi Yan's conditions are so good. "Wouldn't it be better to introduce your cousin to him?"
  Chi Shan shook her head vigorously, "Mom, please stop interfering. Then you will be happy if you are no longer human inside and outside."

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