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"I Open a Supermarket in the End of the World" by: Night is Cool Like Water

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People with superpowers..." In the past few years, their people have been deliberately avoiding Cheng Gui. Cheng Gui is too scary. Once he gets in under his eyes, their background will be exposed.
  Xiang Nanchuan said calmly: "Cheng Gui has already died.
  Hu Feiyang almost thought he heard wrongly, "What? " Xiang
  Nanchuan said in a positive tone, "Cheng Gui is dead. He died yesterday." "
  When Hu Feiyang suddenly heard the news, he couldn't recover. It took him a long time to digest it. He couldn't believe it and asked again: "Really? "
  Xiang Nanchuan nodded. He confirmed to the system that Cheng Gui was indeed dead.
  I don't know how many evil things the St. An's Cult did and how much they were tortured to make a tough man burst into tears. "Good thing. , God finally has an eye. Hu Feiyang thought of something and said anxiously, "I have to report this to the general immediately."
  Xiang Nanchuan quickly said: "Take me to Chi Yan first. "
  " Chi Yan and the others are over there at the ancient pagoda. " "
  Xiang Nanchuan followed Hu Feiyang in a hurry to the ancient pagoda. Due to his eagerness, he even forgot to take off the wig on his head. His chest was also bumpy. The green willow
  embankment of the river and the lines of fire were burning along the bank, which was lush and green. The man-catching vine bared its teeth and claws...
  Xiang Nanchuan found the tall figure in the sea of ​​​​fire at a glance. He ran over and stopped in front of the wall of fire. He raised his hand and waved excitedly. He was about to call Chi Yan's name when he fell. When the sparks fell on his hair and gave off a burning smell, the hand he raised towards Nanchuan suddenly froze, and the next second he turned around and ran away.
  Over there, Chi Yan caught a glimpse of a long-haired woman waving her hands and wanting to shout something. He couldn't see the woman's face clearly because of the wall of fire. Chi Yan was inexplicably concerned. He subconsciously looked over and saw the woman turning around and running away. Chi Yan was stunned for a moment and quickly chased after her.
  One after another, they ran half a circle around the river. , Xiang Nanchuan was so angry that he stopped, covered his face furtively, turned around and glared at Chi Yan, "Why are you chasing me? ! "
  Chi Yan curved the corners of his lips and walked forward slowly, "I'm chasing my boyfriend.
  "Who is your boyfriend? " Xiang Nanchuan realized that he had said the wrong thing and immediately changed his words, "Your boyfriend is not here." Chi
  Yan had a smile in his eyes, "Then can I ask where my boyfriend is?"
  Xiang Nanchuan said in a low voice, "He is waiting for you at home. " "
  The fat man ran up panting, with his hands on his hips, "I say boss, you two should stop flirting, haven't you noticed that the enemy is about to catch up? "
  Seeing the safe and sound fat man, Xiang Nanchuan could no longer pretend. He took off his wig and looked at the fat man. Even though he had a thousand words in his heart, he didn't know how to speak. He opened his mouth, "Fat brother, I'm sorry. The
  fat man waved his hands and said nonchalantly: "Store manager, don't worry about it. I know you didn't mean it. Don't say this now. Let's leave quickly." "
  Presumably He Luo has received the news of Aina's death at this time, and is sending people to round them up. This time they are all high-level superpower users. This is the true strength of the Saint'an Sect. It is
  difficult to defeat four people with two fists . Hand, Chi Yan decided to withdraw first and look back for Kuang Hefeng.
  At this time, Hu Feiyang said: "You follow me. Xiang Nanchuan said: "
  Follow him." "
  On the way to escape, Hu Feiyang reintroduced himself, "I am the adjutant of General Gao, Hu Feiyang. "
  Chi Yan was completely relieved after confirming Hu Feiyang's identity.
  Hu Feiyang led them all the way around, quickly getting rid of the pursuers, and finally returned to the vicinity of the ancient pagoda. In the hidden green belt, he opened the sewer The manhole cover jumped into the sewer first.
  Xiang Nanchuan and Chi Yan followed suit.
  Hu Man handed Sister Mei's body to the fat man. After jumping down, he opened his hand below to catch Sister Mei.
  The last one to come down was the fat man. He carefully put back the manhole cover of the sewer.
  Xiang Nanchuan took out a flashlight, each holding one in each hand. Hu Feiyang, who was walking at the front, also received a flashlight. He was surprised when he saw Xiang Nanchuan take out several flashlights out of thin air. It quickly returned to normal.
  Xiang Nanchuan discovered that they were walking towards the ancient pagoda. It turned out that the sewer had been dug by them and was connected to the underground of the ancient pagoda. The tunnel had been cleaned by them and there was no strong smell.
  They walked to the end of the tunnel . , there is a stone door. Hu Feiyang raised his hand and knocked on the door, first three times, and then three more times. His knocking movements were very regular, and he knew it was a code as soon as he heard it.
  Because every time the code is used up, it will be invalid. Changing different passwords each time, Hu Feiyang was not afraid to let them know. He
  quickly opened the door from the inside, and there were more than a dozen people inside, including Gao Dayong. Gao Dayong had moved here when they started fighting outside the ancient pagoda.
  Hu Feiyang saluted Gao Dayong, "Report to the chief, Cheng Gui is dead.
  Hearing this, Gao Dayong broke the pen in his hand and said, "Say it again? " ! Hu
  Feiyang glanced at Xiang Nanchuan, "I just received the news that Cheng Gui is dead. Our plan can start." Gao
  Dayong looked at Xiang Nanchuan and asked seriously: "Young man, do you think Cheng Gui is really dead?" "
  Xiang Nanchuan gave Chi Yan a look of affirmation. He will tell you in detail later. He nodded, "I can guarantee that what I said is true. Cheng Gui is dead. It was Su Anzhe who killed him. "

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