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Chapter 86 The little milk baby acts like a baby, even an eagle can't resist it

Although the fourth, fifth and sixth brothers thought it was okay not to see the seventh brother, when they saw the seventh brother who had a few blood stains on his face, they still felt so distressed that they surrounded him and asked about the eighth sister's condition.

Qin Ruoshuang said: "Chen'er, after you finish eating the roasted hare, you can try if Golden Eagle can bring you and your sister up to take a bath and change clothes. My mother-in-law will boil water for you."

"Okay, Bamei and I will give it a try. It should be fine as long as one person is left below, otherwise the other golden eagle may become irritable."

Luo Jiuying said: "Chen'er, I have prepared medicinal materials for treating trauma for the teacher. You can bring them to Mo'er."

"Okay, Master." He didn't dare to say that Bamei had the medicine, so he agreed.

Luo Jiuying tied the roasted hare with a rope, hung two water bags for Ye Muchen, and handed him the medicinal materials.

"Go and eat quickly! Come up later to take a shower and change clothes."

Situ Min asked pitifully: "Brother, can I go down with you to stay with sister Qianmo?"

Ye Muchen refused without hesitation: "No, the golden eagle will attack you."

"Okay! Sister Qianmo likes banknotes. I have banknotes. Please help me bring them to Sister Qianmo!"

Qin Ruoshuang smiled and pulled Situ Min over: "Xiao Min, your sister Qianmo will come up and take a bath in a moment. You can keep the money for yourself. If you bring it to her now, she won't have anywhere to spend it!"

"Oh, then I'll give it to her when I get back."

After Ye Muchen greeted everyone, he walked towards the eagle carrying the roasted hare.

Back in the cave, after the two little guys fed the golden eagle, they started playing with the golden eagle again.

When the game was almost over, Ye Muchen hugged the eagle's neck and said, "Big guy, can you send me and my sister up to take a bath? We haven't taken a bath for two days, and we all stink."

The eagle was unmoved and tilted his head to look at Ye Muchen.

I want to go up and take a shower, but there is no door!

"Then you can send me up to take a shower first. After I finish taking a shower and change my clothes, can you take me down and then take my sister up?"

The eagle remained unmoved.

Bai Qianmo frowned, hugged the female eagle's neck and started to act cute: "My dear friend, can you ask your husband to send me up to take a bath? My body stinks, do you smell it?

Ouch, I want to be with you happily! I'll come back to accompany you after I take a shower, and I'll ask my father to bake other barbecues for you. Let's bake lots and lots of barbecues, okay?

I love you the most, why can't I come back to be with you? I take a shower very quickly. I'll be back with you right away, okay?

When your injury is healed, I will take you to eat more barbecue, you will fly high on my back, we will go out to play together, and you will let me take a nice shower, okay? "

Female Eagle:...

It's going to be too much to resist. Who can stand such a cute little baby acting like a baby?

Moreover, this little milk baby is also its lifesaver. What if she is not allowed to take a bath and she ignores him?

The female eagle rubbed her head against Bai Qianmo's little face and called out "chirp" to the male eagle.

Dressed as a cub and picked up by her little brother to be raised as his wifeWhere stories live. Discover now