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Chapter 96 Fortunately, I can still get the little cotton-padded jacket

Ye Muchen jumped up immediately, "No problem, let's leave now."

Ye Chufeng stood up and said: "I have just finished eating, so it is indeed not suitable for practicing martial arts. My father will take you to catch small crabs to eat and then come back to practice martial arts."

Luo Jiuying patted her belly: "I'm full too. I'll go with you. Girl Mo'er, tell your eldest friend to watch the remaining barbecue and don't let other beasts eat it."

"Okay." Bai Qianmo ran to the female eagle, put his arms around her neck and said, "My dear friend, these barbecued meats are your dinner. You must watch them carefully and not be eaten by other beasts. I'm going to catch them." Little crab, you have to be good."


The female eagle responded in a low voice, her eyes really fixed on the roasted venison beside the fire, and the same was true for the male eagle.

There were golden eagles guarding the barbecue, and two grown men took five children to catch small crabs by the stream.

His trouser legs were rolled up, and he was laughing endlessly.

"Stop, little crab, you can't run away, oh, you bite my hand again." Ninth Princess suddenly shouted.

Ye Muchen rolled his eyes: "Xiaojiu, can you stop making noises? The eighth sister is younger than you and not even like you. Isn't it embarrassing for such a big person?"

The Ninth Princess shrank her neck and did not dare to make any more noise.

Even if his hand was pinched by a little crab, he would only dare to look for Bai Qianmo pitifully.

After working for more than half an hour, two adults, Luo Jiuying and Ye Chufeng, joined in. They really caught a lot of small crabs, which was barely enough for a meal.

Ye Chufeng and Luo Jiuying tied all the little crabs with grass, and then took the children to continue practicing in the open space.

After practicing for more than an hour, he ran back to the palace.

At dinner time.

Two large plates of golden fried crabs were brought to the table. Except for Bai Qianmo and the others who had eaten during the day, everyone else's eyes widened.

The Supreme Emperor looked left and right. After looking at it for a while, he pointed at the fried crab and asked, "Feng'er, what kind of insect is this? It looks scary."

"Father, Mo'er said these are small crabs. They were caught in the creek today. You can try them."

"Can the bugs caught by the stream be eaten? What if I get poisoned after eating them? It's really a fool's errand!"

Ye Chufeng shrugged: "Father, Mo'er said this stuff is for calcium supplement, so I want you to eat more."

"Repair the cover?" The Supreme Emperor said angrily: "What cover should be replenished? Gu Tianling's cover and knees are very hard, so there is no need to replenish them."

"Father, this calcium is not the same as the other. Anyway, I can't explain it clearly. Mo'er said that eating this stuff is good for your health. Why don't you ask her?"

The Supreme Emperor glanced at Bai Qianmo and said, "She is so young, do you believe everything she says?"

Ye Chufeng nodded without hesitation: "Xin, because she is Erchen's precious daughter, and she is studying medicine.

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