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Chapter 126 A little bad

Ye Weichu scratched the back of his head in embarrassment: "Father, I know I was wrong."

The emperor glared at him and walked towards the study with Bai Qianmo in his arms.

Arriving in the study, the Emperor put Bai Qianmo on his lap, "Little girl, didn't you bring anything delicious to Uncle Huang today?"

"I didn't bring it with me, uncle Huang. Is my niece just here to invite you to eat delicious food at the palace?"

The emperor smiled slightly: "Oh? What is delicious to eat?"

"Wild mushrooms and python meat. We picked a lot of mushrooms today and even shot a big python!"

"Big, big python? How big?"

"With my niece's body being so thick, Xiaojiu was almost eaten by a python."

The emperor was frightened when he heard this, and looked at Xiao Jiu who was quiet beside him: "Are you injured?"

Xiaojiu shook his head obediently: "No, it was Golden Eagle and Doctor Luo who came to save Erchen."

The emperor secretly breathed a sigh of relief: "It's good that he wasn't injured."

Xiao Jiu plucked up the courage and said, "Father, I would like to have a few words with you alone."

Bai Qianmo said quickly: "Uncle Huang, my niece is going to find Aunt Huang. Please change your clothes quickly."


"Brother Seven, let's go!"

When Ye Muchen and Bai Qianmo left the study, Xiao Jiucai said solemnly: "Father, can you give me some banknotes?"

The emperor blinked: "What do you want the banknote for?"

"Give it to little eighth sister, she has no money to spend."

The emperor took a breath of air: "I gave her a lot of jewelry on her birthday! Why is there no money to spend? What has she done?"

"I don't know, but she sang yesterday that she was out of money."

"Okay, I understand. You also go and change your clothes. Pack two sets of clothes and take them with you. I will give you the banknote later."

"Thank you, Father."

After Xiao Jiu left, the emperor also got up and went to the palace to change clothes. Then he took out two thousand taels of silver notes and put them on his body, and ordered Eunuch Yu to prepare the sedan chair.

When Xiaojiu changed her clothes and came to the emperor's palace, the emperor directly gave her a thousand taels of silver notes.

When the queen changed her clothes and took Bai Qianmo and Ye Muchen to the emperor's palace, Xiaojiu excitedly ran to Bai Qianmo, took out the one thousand taels of silver notes given by the emperor and gave it directly to Bai Qianmo.

"Xiao Bamei, I'll give you all these banknotes."

The corner of the emperor's mouth twitched. This girl Xiaojiu was too honest. She didn't keep any of the thousand taels of silver notes.

Bai Qianmo looked confused: "Xiaojiu, why did you give me the banknote?"

"You have no money to spend!"

"Who said I have no money?"

"You sang it yourself!"


The emperor handed the other thousand taels of silver notes to Bai Qianmo with a doting look on his face: "Take the flowers and buy whatever you want."

Bai Qianmo's mouth opened in an O shape, and her eyes were filled with little stars.

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