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Chapter 426 Beer and Barbecue

Bai Qianmo, Bai Qianxue and Bai Qianling put the tables together, with many stools placed around them.

Everyone sat around the long table chatting and eating barbecue, and the atmosphere was quite good.

Ye Chufeng ate the barbecue and said, "Barbecue with herbal tea seems almost interesting. Brother Luo, how about we have two cups?"

Luo Jiuying smiled and nodded: "No problem, I am willing to accompany you."

Bai Qianmo's eyes lit up, she put her hand into her small satchel, took out a can of beer from the space, opened it and handed it to Ye Chufeng.

"Father, how would you like it if you try this with barbecue?"

Ye Chufeng raised his eyebrows. This was something from Mo'er's original world, and he was actually the first to taste it.

After taking the beer and taking a sip, Ye Chufeng frowned deeply: "Mo'er, what is this? Does it taste weird?"

Bai Qianmo replied with a smile: "This is called beer, which is also a kind of wine. It will feel a bit strange when you drink it for the first time. You will get used to it.

Beer and barbecue are classic! "

The emperor immediately spoke: "Mo'er, bring me a bottle, I want to try it too."

"No problem, my niece will get it for you."

After Bai Qianmo finished speaking, he reached into his small satchel, took out a can of beer, opened it, and handed it to the emperor.

The emperor took a sip and said, "It's really weird. It doesn't taste good, but it's not bad either. Mo'er, this thing shouldn't make you drunk, right?"

"It depends on your drinking capacity. People who drink well are unlikely to get drunk. My niece will get drunk anyway, hehe..."

Ye Chufeng drank a sip of beer and ate a bite of barbecue. After a while, half a bottle of beer was consumed.

"It's true, you'll get used to it after a few sips. Mo'er, bring out more. I want to have a good drink with your uncle and the others, Mo'er."

Bai Qianmo nodded and agreed: "No problem, my daughter will go to the room to get it."

Ye Muchen quickly stood up and followed: "Eight Sister, let me help you."

"Okay, Brother Qi, go find some baskets and bring them to my room."


Bai Qianmo returned to the room, and with a thought, he took out a lot of beer and a lot of cola from the space, and waited for Ye Muchen to get the basket to put them in.

Ye Muchen was very fast, and he arrived at Bai Qianmo's room carrying four baskets in a short time.

Looking at the extra Coke in the room, Ye Muchen asked: "Bamei, is this also beer?"

Bai Qianmo shook his head: "No, this is called Coke. It's a carbonated drink. It's sweet and goes well with barbecue. But it's just enough to satisfy your cravings. Drinking too much is not good."

After saying that, Bai Qianmo started to put beer and coke into the basket.

Ye Muchen also quickly helped to pretend.

After filling the four baskets, the brother and sister carried the baskets back to the front yard.

Taking out the beer and Coke from the basket and placing them on the table, Bai Qianmo said: "There is beer and Coke here. Those who want to drink beer, get beer, and those who want to drink Coke, get Coke.

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