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Chapter 356 Hot Spring Boiled Eggs

Ye Muchen asked with a puzzled look on his face: "Eight Sister, which one of the two water outlets has better water?"

Bai Qianmo smiled lightly: "Brother Qi, I just said that the water flowing out of the two outlets has different functions, and their values ​​are also different.

Water containing sulfur cannot be drunk or used for cooking and eating, but bathing is very good for the body.

As for sulfur-free water, as long as it is alkaline water and contains no minerals harmful to the body, you can drink or cook with it.

The hot spring flowing out of this outlet is extremely clear and can be used as drinking water.

But I still have to wait until I take some back and study it carefully to make sure there are no harmful substances before drinking it.

But now, we can use the water flowing out of this outlet to boil some eggs to eat. Eggs boiled in hot spring water are very nutritious. "

Ye Muchen rolled his eyes: "Bamei, why didn't you tell me earlier? If you had told me that the hot spring water can boil eggs before coming here, I would have brought some eggs."

"I didn't say it because I already brought it with me. Brother Qi, you forgot, I can do magic. You can't even imagine how many things my little satchel can hold."

Ye Muchen was so excited that he almost jumped up: "Eight Sister, then you actually brought eggs?"

"Of course, and the eggs we brought are still raw. You go get some grass. We have to tie the eggs and boil them in the pond. Otherwise, we won't be able to eat them after they are cooked."

Ye Muchen, Ye Chufeng and the two masters:? ? ?

Can eggs still be tied up? How to tie this?

Are you sure it won't slip out if you tie it up?

Bai Qianmo urged: "Brother Qi, go quickly! Find the grass and I will teach you how to tie the eggs."

"Okay! I'll find it."

Although the temperature around the water outlet is high, it is not completely devoid of vegetation.

On the cliffs, there are many grasses that die due to the season.

Ye Chufeng pointed to the cliff opposite: "It's better to go for my father! Well, it's up there."

After saying that, Ye Chufeng pulled out the dagger and his body instantly rose into the air.

He raised the knife and lowered it, and he easily cut off a handful of dead grass.

Returning to Bai Qianmo, Ye Chufeng handed the grass to Bai Qianmo.

Bai Qianmo took the hay, first soaked it in water until soft, then took out two longer pieces of grass and placed them in a cross shape, one horizontally and one vertically.

Put your hand into the small satchel, take out an egg from the space, place the egg upright at the intersection of two grasses, and then pull the grass up to wrap the egg.

Take another piece of grass and tie it into a knot to secure the egg, then take another egg and add it on top.

After tying three eggs, Bai Qianmo pulled out a few more pieces of hay, connected the ends of the grass containing the eggs with the new grass, and braided the grass together using the technique of braiding hair.

After braiding, Bai Qianmo directly put the eggs aside, tied some more, and then put them into the pond to cook.

Ye Muchen said: "Eight Sister, I know how to do it. Give me three eggs and I will tie them myself."

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