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Chapter 316 Let the wolves go

Bai Qianmo handed the chicken to Ye Muchen: "Brother Qi, wrap all the mud on the chicken."

Ye Muchen frowned: "Bamei, are you sure the chicken cooked like this can be eaten?"

Bai Qianmo scratched the back of his head: "I'm not sure. You'll know after you try it."

"All right!"

Ye Muchen directly put the big rooster into the mud and wrapped the big rooster tightly in the mud. After not even a feather could be seen, he placed the chicken on the pile of firewood.

After putting some more firewood on top, Luo Jiuying took out the firewood and lit the firewood pile.

The four of them gathered around the fire to warm themselves up. Bai Qianmo and Ye Muchen simply practiced cross-legged exercises.

An hour and a half later, the fire was almost extinguished, and Bai Qianmo and Ye Muchen also woke up from practicing.

The mud wrapped around the chicken has burned black. Take the chicken out of the fire.

Luo Jiuying added more firewood and lit the fire. The fire rose and shone on the faces of the four people.

Knock the mud open with a stick, the chicken feathers will fall off along with the mud, and the chicken will exude an attractive aroma.

Bai Qianmo smiled, took out two pieces of rice paper, and asked Luo Jiuying to put the chicken on the rice paper.

"It worked. It's the first time I've done this. I didn't expect it to work. Hahaha..."

Luo Jiuying smiled fondly, tore off a chicken leg and handed it to Bai Qianmo: "Aren't you hungry? Try it quickly!"

Bai Qianmo pushed Luo Jiuying's hand away: "Master, you eat the chicken legs, and my disciple eats the chicken wings."

"Master, I'm not hungry. Just take it and eat it quickly."

Bai Qianmo took the chicken leg and said, "Thank you, Master."

Luo Jiuying tore off another chicken leg and handed it to Ye Muchen.

"Thank you, Master."

Luo Jiuying also left two chicken wings to the two children, while he and Cheng Yunhai divided the remaining chicken.

Bai Qianmo took a sip and felt that the taste was a little bland, so she put her little hand into the small satchel and took out a pack of prepared barbecue dipping sauce from the space.

He opened the dipping sauce, sprinkled some on the chicken legs and tasted it again: "Well, it's just right now, it's very fragrant.

Brother Qi, do you want some? "

Ye Muchen handed over the chicken legs without hesitation: "Yes."

Bai Qianmo sprinkled some more on each of Luo Jiuying and Cheng Yunhai, and then sprinkled some on the chicken wings before putting away the barbecue dipping sauce.

Cheng Yunhai tasted the barbecue dipping sauce for the first time and was full of praise: "It's delicious, fragrant and spicy. Let's roast a beggar pig in the courtyard of the palace during the Chinese New Year. It will definitely be delicious."

Bai Qianmo gave a thumbs up: "Second Master, your idea is really cool, you can give it a try during the Chinese New Year.

However, the pig must be marinated in advance to gain the flavor, and it cannot be roasted with its hair on. It must be wrapped in lotus leaves or rice paper and then wrapped in mud. "

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