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Chapter 241 You are very brave to steal my things.

After Song Jinhua finished speaking, she patted her bulging money bag.

Bai Qianmo's mouth twitched, why did Miss Song have no sense of self-protection?

Don't you know that money should not be exposed?

What a silly lady!

Bai Qianmo dodged to block Song Jinhua's money bag and reminded in a low voice: "Sister Song, don't expose your money!"

"Well, let's go! You choose what you want to eat."

In front of Bai Qianmo and the others, there was an old couple selling clove wontons.

The alluring fragrance floated into Bai Qianmo's nose, and she took a deep breath: "This smells delicious. Let's go and try the wontons sold by that old lady before we go."

The old woman had a loving smile on her face: "Children, come and try my clove wontons. It's delicious."

Bai Qianmo smiled and said, "Old lady, can you give us half a bowl each?"

"Of course. You are still children, so naturally you can't eat a bowl. My mother-in-law will give you half a bowl each. Sit down quickly!"

Ye Muchen leaned close to Bai Qianmo's ear and whispered: "Bamei, I can eat a bowl."

Bai Qianmo lowered her voice and said, "You can only eat half a bowl if you can, otherwise you won't be able to eat the rest."

"Oh, just eat half a bowl."

However, when the old woman brought half a bowl of clove wontons to Bai Qianmo, the corner of Bai Qianmo's mouth twitched.

"That's so much in half a bowl? No, no, no, I can't finish it. Mother-in-law, cook less. We can share it among the four of us. We can't waste food."

The old woman still smiled very lovingly: "Okay, okay, my mother-in-law will cook less for you. You really can't waste food. You child is so sensible."

"Mother-in-law deserves a reward!"

The old lady was very happy, and she knew by looking at the clothes of the children that they were from wealthy families.

It is really rare for children from wealthy families to know how not to waste food.

The old woman cooked two bowls for them, and the nine of them shared them, just to taste them.

Song Jinhua paid the money and the others continued shopping.

Bai Qianmo stopped in front of a stall selling donkeys and said: "Auntie, what is this called? It looks pretty good."

With a smile on her face, the aunt said: "This snack is called Donkey Rolling. It's beautiful and delicious. My child, I'll give you some to try first. It's delicious before you buy it."

"Okay, okay!"

The aunt cut a small piece and handed it to Bai Qianmo. Bai Qianmo took it and stuffed it into her mouth to taste it carefully.

"Well, it's soft, glutinous, sweet, and delicious! Auntie, give us one each."


Song Jinhua quickly stepped forward to pay the money.

The aunt wrapped a piece for each of them and handed it to them with a smile.

While the children were eating and shopping, they didn't notice a short, dark-skinned young man with sly eyebrows not far behind them. His sly eyes were staring at the money bag painted by Song Jin.

Dressed as a cub and picked up by her little brother to be raised as his wifeWhere stories live. Discover now