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Chapter 401 Mo'er's cooking is still delicious

Bai Qianmo was so moved by the care and love shown by Ye Chufeng, Luo Jiuying and Ye Muchen.

After chatting for a while, Bai Qianmo said solemnly: "Father and Master, we probably can't go back for the time being. We can only stay in the space to practice. We have to find a way to get the treasure out of the cave. ."

Ye Chufeng nodded and said: "I can't go back. I think it's impossible to get out of the black hole with the lightness skills of my father and your master. When we came down, we put a rope. The rope was not long enough. It should not be half of the black hole. We are now I can't even go back even if I want to."

"Rope?" Bai Qianmo's eyes suddenly lit up: "Father, you said you put the rope down?"

Ye Chufeng nodded: "Yes, but the rope is not long enough. It is impossible to go up. If you want to continue to connect the rope, my father is afraid of an accident. After all, if I take you two up, once the rope breaks, it will fall down again." "

Bai Qianmo frowned: "Father, my daughter remembers that there are no big trees or rocks to tie a rope to near the entrance of the black cave. Wouldn't it be dangerous for you and Master to use a rope to get down?"

"There is a small tree as thick as an arm, and the four elders are pulling ropes on it, so there won't be any danger."

Bai Qianmo patted his forehead in annoyance: "Ouch! Did I get soaked in the cold pool water when I fell? I didn't think of such a simple solution."

Ye Chufeng looked confused: "What solution?"

Bai Qianmo asked: "Father, is there anyone on the black hole now?"

"Yes, Pavilion Master Ling and the others will wait at the entrance of the black cave for seven days. If we haven't sent a letter within seven days, Pavilion Master Ling will also send people to take turns guarding the entrance of the black cave, waiting for a letter from my father."

Bai Qianmo breathed a sigh of relief: "That's easy to handle. It's already late today. Let's go out tomorrow to see if we can collect the gold and silver treasures in the small hole into the space? Then we can send a message to Pavilion Master Ling.

As long as Pavilion Master Ling and the others can lengthen the rope, make it long enough, and have a few more people pulling on it, my daughter will be able to get up. "

"Really?" Ye Chufeng's face was full of joy: "Do you really have a way to go up?"

Bai Qianmo nodded with a smile: "Really, my daughter can use space to teleport. Although she won't be too far each time she teleports out, as long as there is a rope to lend her strength, she should be able to reach the entrance of the black hole M.L.Z.L. without any problem."

"Okay, let's go out tomorrow to check the situation. No matter what, we must send a message to Pavilion Master Ling and the others and ask them to prepare ropes."

"Okay, Father, my daughter and Brother Seven are going to practice. You and Master have a good rest."

Ye Chufeng smiled and nodded: "Go."

Bai Qianmo and Ye Muchen went directly to practice cross-legged exercises next to the spiritual spring water in the courtyard of the villa.

Ye Chufeng and Luo Jiuying were wandering around in the space.

Luo Jiuying looked at the fertile land without any plants and joked: "Your Majesty, from now on we brothers will have something to do."

Ye Chufeng raised his eyebrows: "Huh? What to do?"

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