here we go again!

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*Welcome to Scomiche Oneshots book two! I am very excited to write this new book for you guys! Send some suggestions! Love you guys and enjoy! • Bree💞

Scott and Mitch have been going back and forth about having a sixth child. Scott has been wanting to have another child but Mitch hasn't decided for sure. Scott won't push Mitch into something he doesn't want to do. Scott knows it's Mitch's body and a pregnancy is a lot of strain on the body.

Scott and Mitch are in their bedroom relaxing for the night. All the kids are in bed, and Sawyer is fast asleep in his co-sleeper that is next to Mitch's side of the bed. Mitch walks in the bedroom after taking a shower, with Scott's robe on.

"Hey beautiful. I can't wait to cuddle tonight, I missed you a lot today." Scott says and Mitch blushes. "Aw, I missed you too, Scott!" Mitch says as he takes the robe off, showing off that he has a pair of short shorts on. Mitch gently kisses Sawyer's cheek and gets into bed.

Mitch and Scott begin to kiss for a few minutes and they snuggle as they watch Stranger Things.

"I know Sawyer is only ten months old, but I'm having new baby fever. I know we have been going back in forth on wanting to have one more child for a while now. If you don't want another child Mitchy, I completely understand and I'll respect your decision. I know how hard pregnancies can get, especially when you had preterm labor with Sawyer." Scott says.

"I know it's hard, but I love the outcome at the end of the pregnancy. My pregnancies have all been stress free. No complications really, besides the preterm labor when I was pregnant with Sawyer. And, well, what if I told you that I'm perfectly fine on having another baby." Mitch says with a big smile.

Scott smiles back as he kisses Mitch softly. Scott rubs Mitch's cheek and kisses Mitch again.

"Whenever you want to start trying Mitchy, let me know! I'm super excited. I want to go at your pace, I don't want to push you." Scott says as he rubs Mitch's cheek some more.

"We don't have to try, I'm already pregnant!" Mitch says with a big smirk and let's out a tiny giggle. Scott's eyes nearly pop out of their sockets.

"What do you mean?" Scott asks confusingly. "Scott, I'm pregnant!" Mitch says as he grabs the pregnancy test from his side table drawer. "Mitchy! When did you find out?" Scott asks as he looks at the pregnancy test in disbelief.

"A few days ago. The second line was light and I was afraid it was a false positive because it was a cheap ass test. So I took one everyday and the line got darker. And now look how dark it is! I also took a digital one too." Mitch says as he laughs.

"Jesus Mitch, how many times did you take a pregnancy test?" Scott asks as he laughs alongside Mitch. "A lot! I wanted to be sure! Don't make fun!" Mitch says with a giggle. Scott and Mitch hug tightly and kiss.

"Wow! This is such an amazing surprise! I'm so happy Mitchy! I can't believe this! Gosh you are so fertile!" Scott says and Mitch giggles.

"I guess I am! After this baby, I want to get my tubes tied. Is that fine with you?" Mitch asks and Scott nods.

"Mitchy, that's your decision, sweety. I'll support you 100%. Our family is absolutely amazing and six kids is a perfect amount. I don't want you to stress out, okay? You were really stressed when we found out we were pregnant with Sawyer. Everything is going to be just fine. I'm really really excited, are you?" Scott asks and Mitch nods happily. Scott and Mitch kiss for a few more minutes.

"I really am excited, Scott. We are so blessed to have five now six amazing kids. I am just so lucky to have you in my life. I never thought I could raise one child, now let alone raising five, six in a few months. We are raising five kids just fine and you are the greatest Papa ever." Mitch says as he kisses Scott's cheek.

"You are the greatest Daddy ever, Mitchy. You really are. I can't believe you are pregnant! I'm trying to remember when this happened!" Scott says as he laughs. Mitch laughs alongside Scott and rubs Scott's cheek.

"Kirstie is pregnant too! We took pregnancy tests together today when the kids had a playdate!" Mitch says and Scott smiles. "Oh my goodness! That's so cute! I'm so happy for her and Jeremy!" Scott says and Mitch nods.

"I'm happy for them too! I made a doctor's appointment and it's on Thursday. I had to tell Candice I'm pregnant too, because she knows we take the kids everywhere and I don't want Isabella or Sophia telling people just yet." Mitch says and Scott giggles.

"Sophia totally would tell everybody. She can't keep secrets very well." Scott says as he kisses Mitch's cheek.

"She can't, it's so cute. She tries so hard." Mitch says as he kisses Scott. "Wow, you have a little baby in this tummy." Scott says as he softly kisses Mitch's flat belly.

"I sure do! Our parents and sisters are going to flip out." Mitch says and Scott chuckles. "Totally. They will probably buy us a life supply of condoms." Scott says as he wraps his hands around Mitch's waist.

"Let's get some sleep, it will be the morning before we know it." Mitch says as he puts his head in the croak of Scott's neck.

"I know, let's go to bed. I love you so much." Scott says as he begins to rub Mitch's back. "I love you too, Scott." Mitch says was he drifts off to sleep.

Mitch and Scott are excited for the new baby on the way :)

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