monday night raw

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*Scott and Mitch take Liam and Hudson to WWE's Monday Night Raw! Does anybody watch WWE besides me? Lol. Sorry this is so short I didn't want to make too long! I hope you guys enjoy! Send suggestions! Love • Bree 😘

Scott and Mitch are taking Liam and Hudson to WWE Monday Night Raw! Liam is taking his friend Caspian, while Hudson is taking Addison. Shawn and Nicole are going to watch Sophia, Isabella, Sawyer and Amelia.

Liam is wearing his "Certified G" shirt while Hudson is wearing his "I'm A Hugger" shirt. Mitch is finishing up getting his makeup on. Scott has a Booty O's shirt on.

"Do you want to wear one of my shirts, babe?" Scott asks Mitch.

"No, I'm fine. I wanna wear this shirt, it's comfy." Mitch says as he kisses Scott.

"You sure you wanna go? You don't have to." Scott says as he rubs Mitch's back.

"I wanna go, even though I know nothing about wrestling." Mitch says as he kisses Scott.

Liam let's his friend Caspian and Hudson's friend Addison in. Caspian is wearing a Kevin Owens shirt while Addison is wearing the same shirt that Hudson has on.

"Dude, we got the first row!" Liam says to Caspian.

"I hope the wrestlers hit the barricade so we can tap them on the back." Caspian says.

"I wanna see Charlotte, she's hot!" Liam says as Caspian laughs.

"I have to take a picture of Seth Rollins for Willow, that's her only favorite wrestler." Liam says.

"We are matching!" Hudson says as he hugs Addison.

"Yeah! We look cute!" Addison says as he hugs Hudson again.

"Okay guys, let's get ready to go!" Scott says as he grabs the keys. Mitch walks down with a clutch purse and a Vetements t-shirt on.

Mitch and Scott kiss and hug Sophia, Isabella, Sawyer and Amelia.

"Shawn, Nicole if you guys need anything just call Scott or I." Mitch says.

"We will! Have fun!" Shawn says as he bounces Amelia on his lap.

"Have fun guys! We are going to have fun!" Nicole says as Sophia and Isabella smile proudly.

Scott gets in the driver's seat while the kids climb in the back.

"Daddy, how come you don't have a wrestling shirt on!" Hudson asks Mitch.

"I wanted to wear this shirt. Papa wanted to give me one of his to wear." Mitch says as he holds Scott's hand. Liam and Caspian are taking about soccer while Hudson and Addison talk about Pokémon.

Hudson and Addison copy Scott and Mitch, and hold hands. After a fifteen minute drive, they are at the Staple Center.

After walking through the crowd, they make it to their seats.

"We have bomb seats!" Liam says loudly.

"Liam! You can't say bomb like that!" Mitch yells in a whisper. Caspian and Liam take a few selfies with the ring behind them.

"Liam, can you take Addi and I's picture!" Hudson asks and Liam nods.

Hudson and Addison smile as Liam takes a few pictures.

"Do you guys want a snack or anything?" Mitch asks the kids.

"Cas and I want nachos!" Liam says as he texts Willow he loves her.

"Addi and I went a pretzel, please! Daddy, look how big the ring is!" Hudson says and Mitch nods.

"It is big!" Mitch says as Scott rubs Mitch's shoulder.

Mitch and Scott went to get snacks and drinks while the kids watch the pre-show.

"Booo!" Liam says and Caspian giggles. Mitch and Scott bring back the snacks and drinks.

"Thank you!" All the kids say in unison.

"You're welcome!" Mitch says as he shares a pretzel with Scott.

"You can drink if you want Scott, I don't mind driving." Mitch says as he fixes Scott's hair.

"I'm not in the mood to drink, just in a cuddly mood." Scott says as he kisses Mitch.

Hudson and Addison eat the pretzel while Caspian and Liam share their nachos. Scott kisses Mitch's cheek as he wraps his arms around Mitch.

"Stop acting dirty, Daddy. Around all these kids and families." Mitch whispers into Scott's ear.

"Kick her butt, Bayley!" Hudson says and Addison cheers Bayley on. Liam and Caspian take a ton of pictures.

After the match, Bayley walks over and hugs Hudson and Addison. Mitch takes pictures of the cool moment.

"Woah! You two got to hug Bayley! That's awesome!" Mitch says with a grin.

"That wrestler is hot." Mitch whispers to Scott and Scott chuckles.

"Not as hot as me right?" Scott asks and Mitch shakes his head no.

"I love you." Mitch says as he kisses Scott.

"I love you too." Scott says softly. Seth Rollins and Kevin Owens walk over and take pictures with all the kids.

"I got an autograph for Willow! She is gonna flip out!" Liam says and Mitch smiles.

"You are a very good boyfriend, Liam." Scott says as he sits Mitch on his lap.

After three hours of fun, Scott, Mitch, Liam, Hudson, Addison and Caspian home. They drop off Caspian and Addison at their houses and then head home.

Once they are home all the kids are in bed, Scott and Mitch are cuddling in bed.

"Are you horny or something?" Mitch asks as Scott kisses his neck.

"Maybe." Scott says as he and Mitch kiss.

"Not tonight, maybe tomorrow when most of the kids are in school." Mitch says and Scott rolls his eyes.

"Fine. I don't want to get caught again, Liam always gets us." Scott says and Mitch laughs.

Mitch and Scott cuddle until they fall asleep. Liam, Hudson, Caspian and Addison had a lot of fun at Monday Night Raw! :)

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