hudson's crush!

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*Hudson has a school crush!  I hope you guys enjoy this! Send suggestions! :) Love • Bree 🖤

Hudson walks over to Mitch, who is cooking dinner and hugs Mitch's leg. "Aw, hello Huddy. Did you finish your homework?" Mitch asks and Hudson nods.

"Can you check it?" Hudson asks Mitch, looking at his father with his chocolate eyes.

"Of course! Put it on the table." Mitch says as he kisses Hudson's cheek.

Scott walks in and gets attacked with hugs by all the kids. "You came just in time, dinner is ready!" Mitch says as he kisses Scott.

Scott, Mitch and all the kids sit together and begin to eat vegan pasta. Mitch feeds Amelia small bites of vegan pasta as well.

"Daddy, Papa, can my friend come over after school tomorrow?" Hudson asks softly.

"Of course! Who is it?" Mitch asks Hudson.

"Addison! We are going to the dance together!" Hudson says with a huge smile.

"Aw, that's sweet!" Mitch says with a huge smile. Scott and Mitch spent time with the kids and went to bed!

The next day, Sophia, Liam, Hudson and his friend Addison walk into the door.

"Hey! How was school today?" Mitch asks the kids.

"Good!" All the kids say in unison as they go into the kitchen to grab a snack and drink.

Mitch didn't realize that Addison is a unisex name and Hudson's friend Addison was a boy. Hudson asked Addison to the school dance and talked about him as a little school crush. Hudson and Addison begin to play with their Pokémon games.

"How many Pokémon do you have, Ad?" Hudson asks Addison.

"I have ninety five!" Addison says as he shows Hudson his game.

"Cool! I almost have ninety!" Hudson says as he giggles.

After playing Pokémon for a while, Addison and Hudson work on their homework together. Addison and Hudson have been in each other's classes since kindergarten. Hudson and Addison are sharing a snack.

Scott walks in and hugs Mitch from behind. "How was your day?" Scott asks Mitch as he kisses Mitch's cheek.

"It was busy, how was yours, love? Can you get our songs on iTunes?" Mitch asks and Scott happily nods.

"We can put them up next week." Scott says and Mitch smiles brightly and hugs Scott.

"Hudson has a friend over today?" Scott asks and Mitch nods.

"Hudson has a crush on Addison, who is that boy. Addison asked him to go to the school dance with him." Mitch says and Scott smiles.

"Aw, Hudson has a crush." Scott says as he watches Hudson and Addison working on their homework together.

"I just hope that Hudson doesn't get bullied." Mitch says and Scott nods.

"I hope he doesn't either. I don't think he will, their school has gotten very strict on that. I'm happy that Hudson is exploring. We taught our kiddos well about love can be with anybody." Scott says proudly and Mitch giggles.

"We have. Your beard is a mess, can I fix it tonight?" Mitch asks and Scott nods.

"This math is so easy!" Addison says to Hudson as they eat Cheetos together.

"I know! Social studies is easy too!" Hudson says with a smile.

After a few more hours of fun, Addison goes home. After Addison gets picked up by his mom, Hudson is smiling happily.

Mitch and Scott are happy to see that Hudson is happy and proud to be himself.

They could care less what sexuality Hudson is, as long as he is happy. That's what matters the most to them. He is only seven, and they will love him forever.

Mitch and Scott walk over to Hudson, who is playing Pokémon. "Hey Huddy, Papa and I just want you to know that we love you very very much." Mitch says as he kisses Hudson's cheek.

"I love you too, Daddy and Papa!" Hudson says as he hugs Mitch and Scott.

"Did you have a fun playdate with Addison?" Scott asks Hudson as he kisses his cheek.

"Yeah! We are going to the dance together! He's so cute and he told me I was cute!" Hudson says happily.

"Aw, Addison is your crush?" Mitch asks and Hudson nods.

"Yeah, Boys and girls are cute to me, Daddy and Papa! Is that okay?" Hudson asks his parents.

"That is perfectly fine, baby boy. Whoever you choose to fall in love with doesn't matter to Papa and I. Or anybody in our family. We all love you to death." Mitch says.

"We are happy that you found that out. Daddy and I are so proud of you. You are such a big boy now." Scott says and Hudson smiles in relief, knowing that his parents support him no matter what.

"Hudson has a little boyfriend! We need you to look cute for the dance!" Mitch says and Hudson giggles.

"He's not my boyfriend! Just a crush!" Hudson says as he blushes.

"We need to find you a nice little outfit, nothing too fancy, but just right!" Mitch says and Hudson nods.

"The dance is in two weeks!" Hudson says as he turns his Nintendo 3DS off.

"Does Liam know that Addison and you are going to the dance?" Scott asks and Hudson nods.

"Liam knows! Liam knows Addison's big sister Finley! They have class together!" Hudson says.

"Tomorrow after school we can go find cute dance outfits, okay?" Mitch says and Hudson nods.

"I love you Daddy and Papa!" Hudson says as he hugs Mitch and Scott.

"I love you too, Huddy." Mitch says as he kisses Hudson's cheek. "I love you too!" Scott says as he tickles Hudson.

"I'm going to cook dinner." Mitch says as he kisses Scott and Hudson.

Scott and Hudson tho to the playroom where the other kids are. Hudson picks up Amelia and hugs her.

"Be gentle with Amelia." Scott says and Hudson hands Amelia to him.

"I love my family, Papa." Hudson says and Scott smiles. "Aw, we all love you." Scott says as he hugs Hudson.

Hudson runs over to play with Sophia, Isabella, Sawyer and Liam. Scott watches all of his kids playing together. Amelia sits on Scott's lap and he kisses her cheek.

Scott and Mitch spent the rest of the day with their kids. Two weeks later, Hudson, Addison, Liam and Willow went to the dance! :)

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