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*Mitch gets asked to do a parent magazine interview! Thank you for my friend dailyscomiche for helping me out! Hope you guys enjoy! Love • Bree 💜

Mitch and Scott have been chosen to do an interview for Parenting 101 magazine!

- Credit to welcome_to_sup3rfruit on Instagram to allow me to use one of her edits! ❤️

- Credit to welcome_to_sup3rfruit on Instagram to allow me to use one of her edits! ❤️

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*One of the pictures in the magazine*

Mitchell Grassi-Hoying is in the 2x Grammy winning acapella group Pentatonix alongside his husband, Scott Hoying. Scott and Mitch also run a YouTube channel, and they are the proud parents to six kids, which Mitch carried and two fur babies!

- What is a carrier?
"A carrier is a man that can carry children! We are born with the parts. You can get pregnant just like a woman can, either by fertility treatments or the regular way!"

*Another picture is of Mitch and Scott with all the kids*

- How was each pregnancy?
"All my pregnancies were very smooth! I am very grateful for that. I had a little scare with my 5th. I had preterm labor at 33 weeks of my pregnancy, but it was stopped with medicine. I had morning sickness with all of them! All my babies came out with hair on their little heads, whether it was peach fuzz or dark brown hair. I gained the most weight with my second child, Hudson. I gained thirty pounds with him!"

- How parenting has been different from your first child to the last?
"With my first child Liam, I wanted to everything perfect. You want them to eat the healthiest foods, and play with the best toys. But now I have six little ones. I'm like as long as everybody eats, whatever it is, I don't care. If they want to play with the tablet or with Legos or Barbies, I don't care. But, we always buy learning toys and we always have a set time where we have learning time and not just playing. Four of my kids are in school now. A preschooler, a kindergartner, a second grader and a fifth grader."

- How to stay fit after every pregnancy?
"Well, with c-sections you have to wait six weeks. But after that, Scott and I work out either in our basement or we have a gym date together. I love using the treadmill and I do some weights, with Scott's help."

*Another picture is shown of Mitch holding Sawyer and Amelia in his arms, showing off his flat stomach*

- One unique thing about each the kids?
"Liam is extremely protective of all of his siblings. He actually punched a kid in the face at school for picking on Hudson. Scott and I didn't condone that by the way! He just loves his family and would do anything to protect them. Hudson loves to help out anybody. Hudson actually has volunteered at a children's hospital and a soup kitchen. I can definitely see him having a career in helping people that need it the most."

*Picture of Liam and Hudson together. Hudson is on Liam's back*

"Sophia's is the only child to have light brown hair. It's absolutely gorgeous! The rest of the kids either have dark brown hair like me or blonde hair like Scott. Isabella is kind hearted. She loves to take care of everybody. She always helps me with Sawyer and baby Amelia, either getting me a burp cloth or a diaper. She tries to help whenever you need it."

*Picture of Sophia and Isabella hugging*

"Sawyer is always happy. He could have five teeth coming in at once and you would have never known, because he is smiling. He can make anybody smile. Amelia is probably by far the calmness little one we have had. When she was born she didn't cry much and it scared the crap out of me, but she was fine. One of the first thing the nurses said was that she was calm. She rarely cries. She is always chill and calm at all times."

*Picture of Sawyer kissing Amelia's cheek*

- Who had the hardest time adjusting to  a new sibling?
"I would say Hudson had the hardest time. It was just him and Liam for a while and then Sophia came. He just felt left out because he was the middle child. Also, Sophia was the only girl she got a lot of attention from everybody. I get asked a lot if the younger ones get along and they do. Actually all the kids really get along. Of course they have their fights but that's normal sibling rivalry. I am so blessed."

- How did your husband help you during each pregnancy?
"Scott is my rock! Usually at the beginning of my pregnancies I am sick as a dog! So he takes care of all the kids and pets. He always wants me to rest and just relax. Pregnancy is hard on a women and is even harder on carriers. The last few weeks of the pregnancy is horrible for me! My hips and my back hurt so bad and Scott always rubs my back and helps me get to sleep. Since all I had was c-sections, I couldn't really move for the first two weeks of recovery, so he does everything. It's amazing. He is the definition of what a partner should be for when you have children. He is always helpful and I love him to pieces!"

- How do you manage time with work and time with the kids?
"Well everybody in our band has kids, so we all get together and we figure out what's best for all of our families. We usually tour right after the school year and end it right before the school year starts. When we tour, we have amazing friends who watch the kids for us. We Skype or FaceTime and we text with them a lot. Sometimes we have concerts and other gigs during the school year as well. When we are home we try to not do a lot of work, until the kids are in bed. We just focus on them when we are home."

- What is it like have pets when you bring an infant into the house?
"Always watch the pets with the babies. Never leave them unattended. I would bring an outfit or a blanket from the baby for the pet to smell and to get used to the smell. Just introduce them slowly. Wyatt and Daisy both love babies, so we didn't have any trouble introducing our babies to them!"

*Picture of Wyatt and Daisy with Mitch and Amelia. Daisy is licking Amelia's cheek*

- Are you having any more?
"We are DONE! We are absolutely done. I got my tubes tied when our youngest one was born. No more babies!"

We want to thank Mr. Grassi-Hoying for letting us interview him and take pictures of him and his wonderful family! :)

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