bringing hudson home

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#throwback to when the Grassi-Hoyings were a family of 4! Send suggestions please! I wanna write more throwbacks. I suck at writing teenage scomiche haha. Enjoy! Love • Bree ♣️

After almost three days in the hospital, it's finally time to head home! Mitch has been getting much needed rest since he got another c-section to deliver his and Scott's second little boy, Hudson.

Mitch and Scott are getting used to having a little baby again and they can't wait to get home to see Liam and Wyatt.

Scott has been up for the past few hours and has been taking care of Hudson. Scott has been letting Mitch get much needed sleep, since Mitch is having trouble sleeping due to his c-section incision.

Scott grabs the vlogging camera that is sitting on the end table and turns it on with one hand, he's a pro vlogger!

Scott vlogs himself holding Hudson in his arms. Hudson has a blue onesie on and a gray hat. Scott smiles brightly as Hudson happily drinks his morning bottle.

Scott kisses Hudson's cheek softly and Hudson sucks on his bottle loudly, emptying the bottle quickly.

"You must have been hungry, Huddy. Good boy." Scott says as he begins to burp Hudson.

Scott pats on Hudson back and Hudson gives two small burps.

"Good boy, Hudson." Scott says softly as he kisses Hudson's cheek again.

Hudson opens his eyes and looks around the room. Scott looks down at Hudson and smiles at him.

"Are you awake? Hi, buddy! Hi, little guy!" Scott says in a whisper as Hudson looks up at Scott and the camera.

"He looks just like Mitchy and I freaking love it. He has a blonde patch of hair and brown eyes." Scott says in a whisper.

Scott rocks Hudson and gets him back to sleep. Scott swaddles Hudson in a chevron blanket that his sisters bought for Hudson. Scott films Hudson sleeping in his crib and kisses his cheek.

"And here's my precious husband. He is sleeping and he deserves to sleep as much as he wants and needs." Scott says as he kisses Mitch's cheek softly.

Scott sits down on the couch and fixes his hair in the camera making himself laugh.

"Mitch is one the strongest men I have ever met in my life. He went through a lot of pain a couple days ago and wanted this perfect natural birth that he didn't get with Liam. But, due to not progressing, Hudson's size, and Hudson's bad position we opted for a c-section. Which in the end was the best decision because Mitch and Hudson are happy and healthy. Mitch is recovering well and Hudson is doing great. I am going to take a shower and gets some breakfast for Mitchy and I. See you later!" Scott says as he waves goodbye.

Scott takes a quick shower and gets Chick Fil A breakfast from the cafeteria.

"Good morning, handsome!" Scott says as he films Mitch eating his breakfast.

"Scott, stop I look awful!" Mitch says as he covers his face.

"No you don't! You look adorable and I love you." Scott and as he kisses Mitch.

"I love you too!" Mitch says as he smiles brightly.

"And here's little man. He's just sleeping. He's just so perfect, I'm obsessed." Scott says as he moves Hudson's blanket from his face.

Mitch snd Scott eat their breakfast together and enjoy the quiet because they won't have quiet after today!

Mitch films Scott rocking Hudson in the rocking chair near the window and talking to him.

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