costco shopping trip!

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*Mitch and Scott take all six kids out to Costco! Thank you to Thefeelz1234 for helping me write this! Please send suggestions! Love • Bree 🖤*

Scott, Mitch and the kids have been having a relaxing Saturday at home. The kids have been playing and actually not arguing for once. Mitch hasn't been feeling the best today but after resting, he is finally getting some energy.

Mitch has just realized he really needs to get to Costco to get much needed groceries for the house and plus food for the Pentatonix and Friends Christmas party. Mitch wants to start planning dishes for the Christmas party and he wants to meal plan for a week and two.

Mitch and Scott have decided to host this year's Pentatonix and Friends Christmas party and Mitch honesty regrets it, since he is now pregnant and has many waves of morning sickness. However, nobody except the kids and Scott know that he is pregnant and he doesn't want anybody in the band to know until the party.

Mitch leaves the master bedroom to see what Scott is doing in their office. Mitch sees Scott on his Mac computer playing with music software.

"Scott? Babe?" Mitch says, taking Scott's gold Beats headphones off of his head and kisses his cheek softly.

"Yes, love? What's up?" Scott says to Mitch as he rubs Mitch's back.

"Whatcha working on?" Mitch asks Scott, rubbing Scott's shoulders.

"Just playing around with music on the computer." Scott says to Mitch as he let's Mitch listen to what he worked on.

"It sounds really good, babe." Mitch says playing with Scott's hair.

"We need to make a shopping trip to Costco, we basically have no food in the fridge right now. We also need to get food for the Pentatonix Christmas party too. Oh, and I need like fifteen gallons of green tea to help me with this morning sickness." Mitch says to Scott.

Scott chuckles at Mitch and softly kisses Mitch's bloated belly.

"Sounds good, babe. Are we taking the kids with us?" Scott asks Mitch.

"Yeah. They need to get out of the house too. They have been cooped up in here all day. Plus, you know they love to eat the free Costco samples." Mitch says as he puts Scott's hoodie on and smiles at Scott.

Scott smiles at Mitch. Scott loves to see Mitch wear his clothes.

"I love me some free samples too, babe. Free food is literally everything." Scott says as Mitch laughs.

"Well, let's get going before it gets too late. I hate shopping with grumpy kids." Mitch says as he grabs his purse.

"Kids! We are going to Costco!" Scott says out loud to the kids.

"YAY!" Hudson, Sophia, Isabella, Sawyer and Amelia say in unison.

Hudson and Sophia happily go downstairs to get their shoes and coats on.

Liam yawns in boredom as he gets his shoes from his bedroom on and runs downstairs.

Mitch and Scott help Amelia and Sawyer get ready to go!

Once all of the kids get ready, Scott, Mitch and the kids then load up in the car and Scott begins to drive to Costco.

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