bye bye gallbladder

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*Mitch needs his gallbladder taken out! This was requested! I hope you guys enjoy! Send requests! Love • Bree 💋

Mitch woke up with intense stomach pains, even more intense then contractions. Scott calls Carissa and Michael to watch the kids as he took Mitch to the hospital.

"It hurts so bad!" Mitch says as tears roll down his cheeks. Scott holds Mitch's hand and tries to help Mitch calm down before he gets into having a panic attack.

The nurses gave Mitch some pain medicine to help him relax and relieve the pain. The doctors run a few tests and determine that Mitch needs to get his gallbladder removed. He is going to get it out by laparoscopy.

"I'll be here when your surgery is done, okay?" Scott says to Mitch as he holds his hand.

"I love you, Scott. I love you so much." Mitch says as he kisses Scott.

"I love you too, baby. Everything will be fine." Scott says as he kisses Mitch and the nurses take Mitch to the operating room.

A nurse escorts Scott to the waiting room. Scott goes to the vending machine to get a water and a few snacks. Scott begins to play games and videos on his phone to keep his mind occupied.

Two hours later, Mitch is awake from surgery. The surgery was a success. Dr. Frazor walks in the waiting room to talk to Scott.

"Mr. Hoying?" Dr. Frazor says as he walks over to Scott. Scott stands up and fixes his shirt.

"Mitchell is out of surgery and is waking up. He may still be out of it due to the anesthesia we gave him. We took the gallbladder out successfully. Mitchell should be able to eat in a few more hours and go home tomorrow morning if he has a good night tonight." Dr. Frazor says as he shakes Scott's hand.

"Thank you so much for everything." Scott says as he picks his things up.

"It's my pleasure, Mr. Hoying. We just gave Mitchell a dose of pain medicine, so he shouldn't be in too much pain. He may be groggy from the anesthesia." Dr. Frazor said as he walked Scott to Mitch's recovery room.

Scott walks into Mitch's room. He just opened his eyes and is looking around, clearly still messed up on the anesthesia.

"Hey sleepy head. How are you feeling?" Scott asks Mitch as he rubs Mitch's forehead.

"Scotty?" Mitch asks and Scott nods.

"It's me, baby. How are you feeling?" Scott asks as he holds Mitch's hand and kisses it tenderly.

Mitch tries to get up out of his bed and Scott lays him back down.

"Mitchy, you need to stay in bed. You just had surgery." Scott says tenderly as Mitch lays back down.

"Oh, that's why my tummy hurts." Mitch says as he giggles, making Scott smile.

"Remember you were having horrible stomach pains? They had to take your gallbladder out, baby." Scott says and Mitch nods.

"Oh. My throat hurts." Mitch says softly.

"They took the ventilator out right after your surgery so that's probably why. Just relax. You can get something to drink soon." Scott says as he kisses Mitch's cheek.

A nurse walks in. "Hello Mr. Grassi-Hoying, how are you feeling?" The nurse asks Mitch. "I'm hungry and thirsty." Mitch says softly. Scott rubs Mitch's hand and kisses it.

"Let me ask the doctor if you can eat just yet. I think you can only have chicken broth or soup. I'll definitely get you a water. I'll be right back, Mr. Grassi-Hoying." The nurse says as she leaves Mitch's recovery room.

"Can I eat normal once I'm healed?" Mitch asks Scott and Scott nods.

"You can eat normal, babe. I asked them. Just gotta eat liquids for a few days." Scott says and Mitch nods.

"I'm starving." Mitch says and Scott giggles.

"You feel okay?" Scott asks and Mitch nods.

"Just hungry." Mitch says as he kisses Scott.

"I love you so much, baby." Scott says to Mitch.

"I love you too. Are the kids okay?" Mitch asks Scott as Mitch takes a sip of his water.

"The kids are great. They miss you. We can FaceTime them when you feel a little bit better." Scott says as he smiles at Mitch.

"I don't know what I would do without you." Mitch says as he kisses Scott.

"Aw, I don't know what I would do without you." Scott says as he kisses Mitch's forehead.

The nurse walks back with a smile. "Mr. Grassi-Hoying would you like chicken noodle soup or chicken broth?" The nurse asks Mitch.

"Chicken noodle soup, please." Mitch says with a smile. The nurse brings the tray over and sits the bowl of soup down.

"Just eat slow, Mr. Grassi-Hoying. Would you like some crackers with your soup?" The nurse asks Mitch. "Yes, please. Thank you so much." Mitch says to the nurse.

"My pleasure. If you feel nauseous or anything just call the nurses station." The nurse says as she leaves the room.

Mitch begins to eat, happy to finally have a meal and feel normal again, minus the pain.

"Are you hungry, Scott?" Mitch asks and Scott shakes his head no.

"I just ate. Eat up." Scott says as he smiles at Mitch, causing him to blush.

Mitch and Scott stayed in the hospital one night and left the following afternoon! Mitch felt like himself after a few days!

Scott snapchats Mitch through out the night. Here are some ones from when Mitch  first woke up from surgery.

M: "Scott the planet is moving."
Scott giggles
S: "It's okay, baby. Just relax."

M: "I went to Venus and it was so cool."
S: "What color is Venus?"
M: "It's like purple."

M: "Scott, there's a hole in my tummy."
S: "Mitchy, that's your belly button."
M: "Oh!"

M: "Scottie, what did they do with my liver?"
S: "Your gallbladder baby. Your liver is fine."

M: "My husband looks a lot like you!"
S: "I'm your husband, silly!"
M: "Oh!"

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