bowling time!

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*Scott and Sophia spend time together and go bowling! I hope you guys enjoy! Love • Bree 🌙*

Scott and Sophia are going bowling today! Scott is in the shower while Mitch is with all the kids in the playroom. Sophia walks in and Mitch fixes her clothes.

"Cute outfit! Are you excited to spend time with Papa?" Mitch asks as Sophia sits down in front of Mitch.

"Yes! I'm excited to go bowling!" Sophia says as Mitch brushes out the knots out of Sophia's hair.

*Sophia's outfit :)*

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*Sophia's outfit :)*

"Daddy! Can you fix my hair in a pretty way?" Sophia asks Mitch.

"Of course! Sit still for me, princess." Mitch says as he begins to style Sophia's long light brown hair.

*Whats this called? Anybody know? Lol*

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*Whats this called? Anybody know? Lol*

"Do you like your hair?" Mitch asks Sophia.

"Yes! I love it!" Sophia says as she hugs Mitch tightly. Scott walks in wearing a white and navy blue striped shirt with jeans.

"Hey, guys! Have you all been a good for Daddy?" Scott says as he kisses Mitch.

"Yes!" Liam, Hudson, Isabella and Sawyer say in unison while Amelia giggles.

"Get your shoes on Soph, and we can go." Scott says as Sophia runs to get her shoes. Mitch smiles as he fixes Scott's shirt.

"You look so handsome. Is this the shirt I got you?" Mitch asks and Scott nods.

"I like this shirt a lot, it fits nice." Scott says as Mitch smiles.

"I'll get you more if you want." Mitch says to Scott as he kisses his cheek.

"Aw, you don't have to babe. I have so many clothes already." Scott says with a chuckle.

Sophia walks in wearing her brown boots. "Where's your jacket, Soph?" Mitch asks Sophia.

"In the coat closet." Sophia says and Mitch grabs the coat out of closet.

"I want you to have fun with Papa today. I love you." Mitch says to Sophia.

"I love you too!" Sophia says to Mitch and kisses his cheek. Sophia hugs her siblings and smiles at Scott.

Scott kisses and hugs Hudson, Liam, Isabella, Sawyer and Amelia. Mitch hugs Scott tightly and kisses him.

"Mitch if you want me to run any errands after Soph and I are done bowling, just let me know." Scott says and Mitch nods.

"I will, babe. Have fun you guys!" Mitch says as Scott picks up Sophia.

Scott picks up Sophia and they walk outside to the car. Scott puts Sophia in her booster seat.

"Papa, are we going bowling?" Sophia asks and Scott happily nods.

"We sure are! Are you excited, baby?" Scott says as he tightens the straps.

"Yeah!" Sophia says as he kisses Scott's cheek.

"Let's go!" Scott says as he begins the fifteen minute drive to the bowling alley.

Scott and Sophia walk into the bowling alley holding hands.

"Let's go get our shoes, a lane and a snack." Scott says and Sophia smiles.

Scott grabs a men's size twelve shoes and a little kid's size eleven shoes.

"What kind of snack do you want?" Scott asks Sophia.

"Nachos!" Sophia says and Scott smiles.

"That's sounds yummy, let's go get some!" Scott says as he buys a thing of cheesy nachos and two drinks.

Scott helps Sophia put her bowling shoes on. "Do I have to wear these?" Sophia asks as Scott helps her put her shoes on.

"Yes, because you will fall if you wear your other shoes." Scott says as he ties his bowling shoes.

"Let's go get a bowling ball. What color ball do you want?" Scott asks Sophia.

"A pink one!" Sophia says as he picks up a pink and a green bowling ball up.

Scott and Sophia sit down and eat a few nachos. Sophia types her name on the board and Scott types in his name.

Scott puts the bumpers up so Sophia doesn't get all gutter balls.

"You go first, Soph!" Scott says as Sophia runs to the lane. Scott picks up Sophia's ball and gives it to her.

"Don't throw it up in the air, just swing your arm and let it go down the ramp." Scott says and Sophia nods.

Sophia throws her ball and hits eight pins.
"Wooo! Good girl!" Scott says and Sophia giggles.

"Here's your ball, try to hit the other two pins." Scott says and Sophia throws the ball and hits one pin.

"Awesome job! You almost had a spare!" Scott says as he gives Sophia a high five.

Scott hits nine pins. "You almost hit them all, Papa!" Sophia says and Scott giggle. Scott tries again and misses the pin.

"Can I have a nacho?" Scott asks and Sophia nods, feeding Scott a nacho filled with cheese.

"Mmm! Thank you!" Scott says and Sophia eats a nacho.

"These are so good!" Sophia says as the cheese falls off the nacho. Scott giggles as he wipes off Sophia's face.

"I know, they are yummy." Scott says as he eats another nacho.

Scott score was 125 while Sophia's was 100.

"Did you have fun?" Scott asks as he fixes Sophia's boots.

"Yes, Papa! I love you so much!" Sophia says as Scott picks her up.

"I love you too! Daddy said we need to get a few things at the grocery store and then we are going home." Scott says as he kisses Sophia's cheek.

Scott and Sophia finish the nachos and leave the bowling alley. Scott and Sophia go to the grocery store and then go home! :)

Scott takes a picture of Sophia sitting on his lap with the scoreboard behind them. He writes the caption as: "Sophia and I went bowling together and had so much fun! Our scores were awful but that doesn't matter. Sophia and I enjoyed spending much needed one on one time together! 🎳👨‍👧"

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