daisy's emergency

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*Daisy gets sick and has to go to the vet! I haven't wrote much about Daisy and Wyatt in my Scomiche books. I hope you guys enjoy! Love • Bree 💜

Scott is at the gym with Alex, Kevin, Avi and Darien. Mitch is at home with all the kids. Daisy hasn't been feeling well since last night.

Sophia and Isabella are playing with the dollhouse while Sawyer is playing with his tool set. Amelia is in her bouncer, bouncing happily. Hudson and Liam are playing Mario Kart 8.

"Hey Hudson, Liam, can you take Daisy outside for me?" Mitch asks Hudson and Liam.

Hudson and Liam paused the Wii U and take Daisy outside.

"Daddy! Daddy!" Hudson yells from outside.

"What's wrong?" Mitch asks Hudson.

"Daisy's poop is red!" Hudson says and Mitch looks at Daisy. Daisy has bloody diarrhea.

"Oh my God! Let me call Papa!" Mitch says as he runs into the house. Mitch calls Scott in horror.

Daisy hasn't ate or drank much this morning and is now having bloody diarrhea. Scott answers after two rings.

"Hello?" Scott says.

"Scott, you need to come home right fucking now!" Mitch yells.

"What's going on, babe?" Scott asks Mitch.

"Daisy! Daisy is shitting blood, Scott! Blood! Please hurry home! I can't take her and all the kids!" Mitch says as he begins to cry.

"Okay babe, I'm on my way, just keep Daisy calm. I'll take her to the vet as soon as I get home. I love you." Scott says.

"I love you too." Mitch says as he hangs up.

"Daisy is shitting again." Liam says and Mitch smacks his arm.

"Don't say that word again! Do you hear me?" Mitch says to Liam.

"But you said it!" Liam says loudly.

"Liam, now is NOT the time to argue! Daisy is sick and needs medical attention!" Mitch yells at Liam.

Hudson hugs Daisy and gives her a kiss. Daisy is panting and is getting lethargic.

Ten minutes later, Scott runs in the house and grabs Daisy.

"Do you want me to go with you?" Mitch asks Scott.

"No, babe. Stay here with the kids. I love you." Scott says as he kisses Mitch.

"I love you too." Mitch says softly.

All the kids pet and kiss Daisy and kiss Scott. Scott and Daisy leave to go to the vet.

"Daddy, is Daisy going to be okay?" Sophia asks Mitch.

"Yes, baby. It's okay. Papa is going to take her to the vet to get better." Mitch says as he hugs Sophia and the rest of the kids.

Mitch cleans up the mess that Daisy made. Liam and Hudson help.

"I'm sorry for earlier, Daddy." Liam says as he hands Mitch floor cleaner.

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