liam gets in a fight!

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*Uh oh! Liam got in a fight in school! I hope you guys enjoy this one! Love you guys! • Bree 💚

Sophia and Isabella are playing with their dollhouse, while Scott, Mitch, Sawyer and Amelia are asleep. Sophia hears Mitch's iPhone begin to ring.

"Daddy! Your phone is ringing!" Sophia says as she hands Mitch his iPhone. "Thank you, Sophia." Mitch says as he slides his iPhone. "Hello?" Mitch says.

- Flash to the elementary school Liam and Hudson go to. It is recess time -

"Boys don't paint their nails! You act like a girl! Hudson is a girl! Hudson is a girl!" Owen says as a group of fifth graders laugh at Hudson.

"I'm not a girl! I'm a boy!" Hudson says as he begins to tear up. "Stop crying, you little baby!" Owen says as he smacks Hudson. Hudson begins to cry.

Liam looks over and sees Hudson being cornered. "I gotta go, Willow! Get a teacher!" Liam says as he runs over to Hudson's side. "Stop picking on my brother!" Liam yells at Owen loudly.

"He has his nails painted, he's a little girl!" Owen says as he smacks Hudson again. "Stop!" Liam yells back as he smacks Owen.

"He's a cry baby! Just like all the little whiny first graders! Waaa waaa waaa!" Owen said as he acted like a baby and his friends laugh with him.

Liam smacks Owen in the face and kicked him in the groin. Liam and Owen begin to fight on the ground.

"There's a fight! Fight! fight! fight!" All the kids say as they crowd Liam and Owen. Liam's teacher Mrs. Walsh and Owen's teacher Mrs. Johnson stopped the fight.

"Stop picking on my brother, Owen! You are a big freaking bully!" Liam yells.

"Come here Hudson, let's take you inside. It's okay, I'm going to have Ms. Thomas call your Daddy and Papa. I am so sorry that somebody picked on you!" Mrs. May says to Hudson.

"It's okay, is Liam okay?" Hudson asks and Mrs. May nods.

- Flash back to Mitch and Scott's house -

"Hello Mr. Grassi-Hoying. I am calling to let you know that Liam was in a fight at recess this afternoon. Another student was harassing Hudson and Liam intervened and he fought the student." Ms. Thomas says to Mitch.

"Oh my goodness. My husband and I will be on our way. Thank you so much for calling!" Mitch says.

"My pleasure! When you and your husband get here we can talk to Liam and Hudson about the incident with their teachers and the principal." Mrs. Thomas says as she and Mitch hang up.

"Scott, we need to go to Liam and Hudson's school. Liam got in a fight with somebody." Mitch says and Scott jumps out of the recliner.

"Oh gosh, what happened?" Scott asks and Mitch shrugs his shoulders.

"I don't know, apparently Hudson was being picked on! Our baby was being picked on!" Mitch says as he begins to cry.

"Let's call Candice and Nicole to watch the little ones for us." Scott says and Mitch nods. Mitch hugs Scott and he cries.

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