liam's 10th birthday

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*I usually don't do a lot of birthday parties, but I figured this birthday was special! I hope you guys enjoy! Love • Bree 😇

Today is Liam's tenth birthday party! Mitch and Scott have been busy decorating and setting everything up downstairs, making sure today is perfect for Liam.

Scott and Mitch reflect, this time ten years ago, at 4:44am, they became parents when a seven pound seven ounce baby boy was put in their arms after a anxious nine month wait.

Liam is going to be a fifth grader in a few short months, he is already a little over five feet tall and growing like a weed. Liam loves music, skateboarding, soccer and being with his friends.

Mitch is setting up the table with decorations, food and little treats. Scott gets a few toys out for Sawyer and Isabella. Amelia is in her swing, fast asleep.

Liam walks down the steps wearing black sweats with an old blue soccer shirt.

"Good morning, Daddy, good morning Papa." Liam says as he smiles at his parents.

"Hey, Liam! Happy birthday! How does it feel to be double digits now?" Scott asks Liam as he messes up Liam's hair and hugs him.

"I feel the same as I did last night." Liam says as he laughs.

"Happy birthday, baby boy. You are growing up so fast." Mitch says as he kisses Liam's cheek.

"You need to take a shower and get ready for your birthday party. But I think Mom Mom, Poppy, Nana and Grampy want to call and see you first." Scott says to Liam.

The grandparents, Nel, Mike, Connie and Rick couldn't make it because of their work schedules and being in California only the month earlier for Amelia's arrival.

Nel and Mike called Liam first! "Hi, Mom Mom!" Liam says as waves at Nel.

"Hi, birthday boy! You are so grown up looking!" Nel says as she smiles at Liam.

Mike smiles and waves at Liam. "Hi, Poppy!" Liam says as he eats his pancake.

"Looks like you are having a yummy breakfast!" Nel says and Liam giggles.

"Daddy made breakfast and Papa made smoothies." Liam says.

"He is spoiled rotten! We have to spoil our big boy on his special day!" Mitch says as he kisses Liam's cheek.

"I feel so bad we couldn't get off work. Poppy and I feel awful." Nel says with a frown.

"It's okay! I understand! I saw you guys when Amelia was born!" Liam says with a big smile.

"Did your present from us came in the mail? Mom Mom was worried that it wouldn't make it." Mike says and Liam looks at Scott.

"Yes, they did! Papa and Daddy hid them from me in their bedroom." Liam says as Scott hands Liam the box.

Liam opens the box from Nel and Mike. Nel and Mike gave Liam two hundred dollars, two t-shirts, a LEGO set and a pair of Vans shoes.

"Thank you, Mom Mom and Poppy!" Liam says with a big smile.

"You're welcome! I am glad you love everything! We miss you!" Nel says and Liam smiles.

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