#nsfy q&a

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*Not Safe For YouTube tag! This was suggested by AriannaMosser5 thank you for the suggestion! I hope you guys enjoy! Love • Bree ❣️

Mitch and Scott are sitting in their filming room while the kids are in bed for the night. All the kids are asleep except for Liam, but he is talking on the phone with his friends.

"Are you ready, babe?" Scott asks and Mitch nods, sitting next to Scott. Mitch giggles and kisses Scott.

"Yes, I am ready. Try not to be too loud, the little ones are asleep." Mitch says and Scott rolls his eyes.

"Our kids could probably sleep through sirens and tornadoes, that's how deep they sleep." Scott says and Mitch giggles again.

"Okay, ready? One, two, three, go!" Mitch says and Scott smiles.

"Hello! Welcome to Superfruit, the best show on the internet! My name is Hotty Scotty!" Scott says making Mitch laugh loudly.

"And my name is Sexy Mitchy! Welcome to our video! What are going to do today, Hotty Scotty?" Mitch asks Scott.

"Well, Sexy Mitchy, I will tell ya! We are doing the #NSFY tag or the Not Safe For YouTube tag!" Scott says and Mitch smiles.

"Thank you to all of you for letting us know about this tag! I'm shocked we didn't find this tag earlier!" Mitch says as he smiles at Scott.

"So, let's get started!" Scott says as he grabs his iPhone.

• Have you ever done anything sexual in front of the kids?
"We try not to do anything sexual in front of the kids. Most of them are under nine, except Liam. Liam knows about sex, we gave him the talk." Scott says with a giggle.

"Oh yeah, says the person that makes me moan and groan in front of the kids!" Mitch says as he playfully snacks Scott.

"I'm sorry you are so sexy and hot." Scott says as he tickles Mitch and kisses his cheek.

"But yeah, we try to keep our sexual contact in our bedroom. Of course we show the kids PDA because I think it is very important for our kids to see a very positive and happy relationship. Also, to show them that it is okay to show everybody how much you love somebody. Obviously French kissing is not appropriate in public, but kissing and hugging is." Mitch says as he kisses Scott.

• Kinks?
"Daddy." Mitch says as he smirks and blushes, his cheek turning bright red. Scott also smirks and kisses Mitch.

"Yes, I am Daddy at night but Mitch is Daddy during the day." Scott says as Mitch playfully smacks him again.

"Well the way the kids say it is not sexualized!" Mitch says as Scott laughs loudly.

• How has your sex life changed now that you guys have kids?
"I don't think it has changed much. We still do the same stuff and even new things." Scott says as he chuckles.

"The only thing different is that we don't have sex all the time like we used to. We used to have sex a lot and everyday pretty much." Mitch says as he laughs.

"Yeah, when Liam was very little like ages two to four, we would still had sex a lot. But now we have six kids and six people that need us all times of the night." Scott says and Mitch giggles.

"But now, we only have sex at night usually and we make sure all of the kids are in bed and won't interrupt. I mean little kids are going to interrupt sometimes and it's okay." Scott says as he kisses Mitch's cheek.

"I agree, but don't worry, we make sure to have time to be intimate moments and I think having a lot of sex is great for a relationship. Scott knows when I want to do it or not. He knows me very well in that area." Mitch says as Scott rubs Mitch's shoulders.

"I love my Mitchy and making him happy is important." Scott says and Mitch nods. "And the same thing for Scotty." Mitch says, kissing Scott twice.

• Slow and smooth or fast and rough?
"Both!" Scott and Mitch say in unison and then laugh.

"It's mostly fast and rough, though." Mitch says as he winks and Scott giggles.

• Weirdest place you have ever had sex?
"Does this mean recently or ever?" Scott asks Mitch. "I guess it means ever, I'm not sure." Mitch says as he giggles.

"You giggle a lot when you are tired." Scott says as he tickles Mitch. Mitch laughs loudly as he playfully smacks Scott.

"We had sex in the infamous Mustang when we first started dating. The first time we had sex was in my bedroom when my parents were out of town and I snuck Scott into my house and we had sex." Mitch says and Scott nods.

"Maybe the strangest place was on the tour bus? I don't know. We don't have sex out in public, you never know if a fan will catch us. So, I think the answer would be the tour bus during our first tour and everybody almost caught us." Scott says and Mitch nods.

• Weirdest thing that someone would find interesting your dresser?
"Sex toys? We have a sex toy section in our dresser. The little ones found them and played with them, very embarrassing." Scott says and Mitch laughs.

"It was! The kids were so innocent and they had no idea what they were playing with. Poor babies." Mitch says as he sits in Scott's lap.

"Well, that's all the questions we found! We hope you guys enjoyed! My weekly obsession is Mitchy and I's mattress. We finally got a new mattress and it's like I'm sleeping on a cloud. I love it." Scott says as he kisses Mitch's arm.

"That's my weekly obsession too. I feel like I am getting so much sleep and I feel rested." Mitch says as he yawns.

"We are tired, it's almost midnight. We are old farts now, I guess that's what happens when we have kids. Liam is still up, I can hear him laughing." Scott says.

"He should be in bed. Well, we will see you guys in our next video! Goodbye! Mitch says as he and Scott blow a kiss.

Mitch and Scott put the camera and then cuddle in bed for the rest of the night, before falling asleep in each other's arms. :)

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