welcoming lucy

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*Mitch and Scott may or may not have gotten a dog in this oneshot xD I hope you guys enjoy! Love • Bree ⛄️

Scott and Mitch are laying in bed for the night. Scott is looking at dog pictures and Mitch is looking at clothes for himself.

"Babe?" Scott says softly as he lays his head on Mitch's stomach.

"Hey love, whatcha looking at?" Mitch asks as he plays with Scott's dirty blonde hair.

"I'm looking at puppies!" Scott says and Mitch rolls his eyes.

"Can we get another dog? Please." Scott says with a pout. Mitch kisses him and rubs his back.

"Scott, we have six children, a beagle and a sphynx cat. That's a lot of people to take care of." Mitch says and Scott frowns some more.

"It's not like we have a small house. Our house is huge and can fit all of us, plus a hundred people! Please, babe!" Scott says as he kisses Mitch's shoulder.

"I don't know, Scott. Can I at least think on it?" Mitch says and Scott nods.

"Can we cuddle? I missed you so much." Scott says and Mitch nods.

Mitch and Scott soon fall asleep in each other's arms.

- A few days later -
Scott went to Isabella's preschool to volunteer in her class.

Meanwhile, Mitch, Amelia and Sawyer are heading to the pound to look at the French Bulldog that was there. She is one years old, gray and white, and is partially blind in one eye. Mitch carries Amelia on his hip and Sawyer holds Mitch's hand.

"Doggies!" Sawyer says and Mitch smiles.

"Yeah! We are going to look at a dog!" Mitch says as he opens the door.

"Hi! My name is Jane! Are you the one that is interested in the French Bulldog puppy?" Jane asks and Mitch nods.

"Come with me!" Jane says as she walks Mitch to a big room with a lot of dog toys.

"This is Lucy! She is the last one in her litter that's here. She is almost one years old! She has gotten all of her shots and she just got spayed. She was the runt of her litter, so she is a little smaller. Her left eye she has trouble seeing but she walks perfectly fine and can see with her right eye." Jane says and Mitch smiles.

Sawyer and Amelia pet Lucy and she runs around happily.

"We have six kids. The older four older ones are at school." Mitch says as he pets Lucy.

"Lucy loves anybody! She loves attention and loves to sit in your lap." Jane says.

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